
Tuesday, July 17, 2018


My daughter and I made pizzelles, mainly because we wanted to try our hand at making waffle cones.  And I think we did it.  The problem was that our pizzelle maker is small.  It made a very dinky cone.  Sigh.  I was disappointed because I wanted to show my daughter a do it your self way to make waffle cones.  Note to self, when this daughter is older, buy her a big pizzelle maker.

My husband was so jazzed when he saw the pizzelles.  Every time he sees a pizzelle, he thinks of his grandmother, Marie, who would make a ton of pizzelle at Christmas time and give them to everyone she knew.  He said there would be piles of pizzelles all over the kitchen.  Every counter and shelf would be loaded!


3 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter
1 tablespoon sugar
1 3/4 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder

Beat eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla.  Add in flour and baking powder.  Beat in melted butter.

Coat pizzelle maker with butter or non stick cooking spray.

Pour about a 1/4 to 1/3 cup of batter onto pizzelle base. Close and wait about 3-4 minutes.

Your pizzelle maker is probably different. Adjust accordingly.

These can store for a lont time.  Like a biscotti.  Keep in a tightly closed tin.