
About Lori

I am a stay at home Mom enjoying that position for as long as it lasts.  One of the pros of staying at home is obviously that the children have the best caregiver they can possibly have- their Mom and I have the opportunity to be with my kids. While there are days I am not the best person, I know that I love my children better than any other care giver out there could.  So I do my best to teach, entertain and guide them in the best way I know how.

One of the cons of staying at home is that you end up with less money because you have one income.  I can and do preserving to give me family the best nutrition they can get. It also saves us money.  Yes, my recipes may be more from scratch than a lot of recipes out there but my goal is to be more wholesome.  I try to veer away from processed food to avoid all the chemicals.  That's not to say that once in a while I don't buy prepackaged foods because I have been known to do that.

Being at home, I found I needed a creative outlet; something I could call my own.  This blog was the answer to my needs.  While sometimes I feel very selfish stealing away time to make this blog what it is, I still feel the need to continue it.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment and a sense of camaradarie that I just yearn for.  In the end the children have a more satisfied and happier Mom- so it works out.

I totally buy into the whole local thing.  I use to pick fresh fruits and vegetables as a child.  My parents have always taken me to the market on Saturdays for fresh produce.  My Mom canned and always cooked beautiful meals.  We rarely ate processed food. There were no sugary cereals in the morning or after school cookies.  In fact I distinctly remember coming home from school with a friend of mine and cooking up some of my Moms canned vegetable soup.  We loved it and plowed through it quite quickly.  I thank my Mom for that.  The movement in my Mom's generation, at  least here in the States was about ease in cooking, processed foods, tv dinners and the like.  She paddled against the tide, continuing to can when not many people did.  Bravo to my Mom for that as well.

I love to try different foods from around the globe, it satisfies my need to travel and learn about other cultures.  While most of the time it is not authentic, sometimes I hit the mark and other times I purposely don't, adapting to my taste and my family's taste.  I try to pass along as much knowledge in my post about that particular dish and where it came from.

When I first started blogging I used a Nikon Cool Pix.  In the last year I have been getting use to my new camera, a Nikon D3000.  I am not going to say that I aim to have perfect pics in my blog, because clearly I don't.  I usually am quickly getting dinner on and through the winter months that means that daylight is quickly fleeting.  Just because the picture is not good does not mean the food is not good.  I have had bad tasting food from perfectly pictured blogs and I have had good food from poorly pictured blogs.  Obviously a good pic does not mean great taste.  All kinds of things can doctor a product up to look good.  If you see it here on my blog it means that I liked it and probably (if not often) would make it again.  If I didn't especially cared for it but wanted to tell you about it for some other reason, like for a cooking group, I will say that in my post.

Your comments help me feel connected to the world.  I appreciate your thoughts and what you share.  (That is, except for the spammers).  When you leave a comment, I always go and visit your blogs, if you have one.  I have discovered some pretty amazing blogs this way.

I am always interested in hearing suggestions and you are always welcome to send emails.  My email address is Lorilipsmackerz@

Thank you for stopping by.