
Monday, April 21, 2008


I don't know if this ever happened to any of you but it sure happened to me. I saw this wonderful recipe at Nook and Pantry and being the lover of Asian food that I am I decided to try it. My pantry is full of Asian stock (Thai, Japanese and Chinese stuff). Some of which I have wanted to try but did not have the courage. I am embarassed to say that some of the stuff has been there about two years. So of course when I see a recipe that uses one of these "I don't have the courage" to make, then I have to try it. Besides I have this rice flour that I have been wanting to use up so this was an ideal recipe for me to try. Thank you Nook and Pantry.

So here I am making it and after I added the dried shrimp I thought I would gag. I love shrimp but it was just the idea of trying this new way of eating it. (How lame is that?). I am happy to say that I forged on. I was richly rewarded with the yummiest dish. My husband and I had them two nights in a row until they were all gone! We did fight over the last couple of pieces. I ended up giving them to him because honestly I stole a couple while I was making them.
(I dont want you to think I lack all the food courage in the world as I have eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters and some other things, he he and I loved the Rocky Mountain Oysters).

I served them with soy sauce mixed with a little water, sesame oil, a teaspoon or so of brown sugar, ginger and garlic. I did modify the recipe a little.

Next time I make these I am going to make them like shrimp toast as the texture really reminded me of that.

Chinese Daikon Cake
(Luo Buo Gao) from Nook and Pantry

3 C coarsely shredded daikon (around 1 1/2 to 2 lbs)
6 dried shiitake mushrooms, finely diced
3 Tbsp small dried shrimp, finely diced
4 green onion stalks, thinly sliced
2 C rice flour (do not use glutinous rice flour)
1 3/4 C water
1 teaspoon garlic powder
salt and white pepper
oil for frying ( you do not need very much)
sesame seeds for sprinkling on them when they are finished

Soak dried mushrooms and dried shrimp in hot water. You can do this in the same bowl or seperate bowls. Peel and shred daikon. Lightly pack into measuring cups for the most accurate measurement. Mix rice flour with remaining cup of water.

In a skillet with a teaspoon of oil saute rehydrated shitakes, shrimp, and green onion for 2 to 3 minutes. Add daikon, 3/4 C water, 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp white pepper. Bring to a boil then remove from heat. Meanwhile, grease a square cake pan or loaf pan and start the steamer. ( I used a 9 inch cake pan. In a very large saute pan I put a round cookie rack and placed the water inn the pan. I carefully dropped the 9 inch cake pan round into the saute pan and placed the cover on it.)

Stir in the rice flour water mixture then spread into the greased pan. Steam for 50 minutes.

Cool or chill overnight. After cooling, cut the cake into 1/4 in slices and pan fry until both sides are golden brown.


  1. Looks wonderful and bravo for being the adventurer in the kitchen!
    Thank you for your last comment. My husband laughed at the "story teller" part, adding "sometimes I wonder where's the plug"!!

  2. I love daikon cake, but the only time I've ever made it it didn't taste the same as I remembered at the restaurant. Oh well. I can relate to your experience with the shrimp paste. How can something that smells so bad make something taste so good. Just like fish sauce. I'm always sick to my stomach right after I add it.

  3. Nice. My recipe uses less green onion, but I love the taste of green onion so I think next time I will try what you did. I never thought of sprinkling with sesame seeds, I'll try that next time as well.


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