
Monday, April 7, 2008


Matcha Tea Macarons with Lemon Curd.

Yes, macarons. I have been researching, reading, saving recipes, buying ingredients and most of all drooling over all the macarons I see in blog land. I finally had the courage or maybe the foolishness to attempt to make them. They are not perfect but they have feet, they are nice shape and most of all they taste good.

I used Veronica's Test Kitchen recipe and just added some matcha to it. The lemon curd is as follows:

Lemon Curd

3 egg yolks
1 whole egg
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
zest of a lemon
1 stick of butter

Combine egg yolks and egg with 1 cup sugar. Add juice. Pour mixture into double boiler and place over a pot of simmering water. Whisk egg mixture for about 8 to 10 minutes. You will know it is done when it coats the whisk. You can also dip a spoon in, run your finger through the lemon curd. If it leaves a trail and the rest sticks, then it is done. Remove from heat at this point and add butter 1 tablespoon at a time. Whisk the butter in. Refrigerate up to two weeks. It freezes very well.


  1. Ooooo I looooove French macaroons. I also love lemon curd and matcha. I still have some lemon curd left so I'm totally giving this a go!

  2. *DROOL* Macaroons! My first shot at making these was a total failure but my recent trip to Paris (and tasting Pierre Herme macs) has renewed my resolve! And I love anything matcha, so thanks for sharing! Matcha and lemon sounds like a very delicate, yummy combo ;)

  3. Very nice! I so have to try my hand at macarons, it's like they're everywhere lately!

  4. Yippeee! It worked! Oh the possibilities!!

  5. You noticed all the macaroon posts too? They look yummy! I want to try them when I catch up out in the garden.
    Thanks for the sweet comment today over on my blog...very very nice :)

  6. blutopia... with all the egg whites you have so many egg yolks for curd. Works perfect, huh?
    marias23...veronicas test kitchen and tartlette have great tips, I was very nervous. I think it was beginners luck.
    lyb... they are everywhere which is why I had to try them!
    tartelette... always an inspiration from you and yes there are 10000 possibilities.
    Shelly ...I cant wait to hear about the macaron adventure from you.

  7. I have yet to bake macaroons, but they look so interesting. I like your lemon curd :)


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