
Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I joined Tuesdays with Dorie and this is my first try. Matter of fact it's my first Dorie Greenspan recipe ever. Since I have come to the blogging world I have learned many things. I have learned a lot about different pastry chefs, including Dorie Greenspan and Pierre Herme. I have been inspired by the French. Renowned pastry chefs, blogger pastry chefs, amateurs. All have really inspired me and have me dreaming of French confections.

Most recently I visited Chocolate and Zucchini and saw her post about Rose flavored marshmallows. I have had Rose Water in my pantry for a couple years now, unopened. I seem to do this a lot with new thigs. I buy them because I am going to make something and there it sits because... well I dont exactly know why. I used Rose Extract years ago for some shortbread I had made from Victoria's Magazine. They were great but I never used that bottle again. I ended up throwing it away. So I guess that was the insiration for buying this particular bottle a couple years ago. Ah, the best laid plans...

Anyway, thank you to all of you at Tuesday with Dorie. I am so glad to be baking with such a nice group of people! It's fun. For this stay at home mom, it's nice to have other adults to relate to!


Makes about 1 pound marshmallows

About 1 cup potato starch (found in the kosher foods section of supermarkets) or cornstarch

2 tablespoons light corn syrup

2 1/4-ounce packets unflavored gelatin

3 large egg whites, at room temperature

3/4 cup cold water

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

1 1/4 cups plus 1 tablespoon sugar

GETTING READY: Line a rimmed baking sheet — choose one with a rim that is 1 inch high — with parchment paper and dust the paper generously with potato starch or cornstarch. Have a candy thermometer at hand.

Put 1/3 cup of the water, 1 1/4 cups of the sugar and the corn syrup in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Once the sugar is dissolved, continue to cook the syrup — without stirring — until it reaches 265 degrees F on the candy thermometer, about 10 minutes.

While the syrup is cooking, work on the gelatin and egg whites. In a microwave-safe bowl, sprinkle the gelatin over the remaining cold water (a scant 7 tablespoons) and let it sit for about 5 minutes, until it is spongy, then heat the gelatin in a microwave oven for 20 to 30 seconds to liquefy it. (Alternatively, you can dissolve the gelatin in a saucepan over low heat.)

Working in the clean, dry bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or in another large bowl with a hand mixer, beat the egg whites on medium-high speed until firm but still glossy — don’t overbeat them and have them go dull.

As soon as the syrup reaches 265 degrees F, remove the pan from the heat and, with the mixer on medium speed, add the syrup, pouring it between the spinning beater(s) and the sides of the bowl. Add the gelatin and continue to beat for another 3 minutes, so that the syrup and the gelatin are fully incorporated. Beat in the vanilla.

Using a large rubber spatula, scrape the meringue mixture onto the baking sheet, laying it down close to a short end of the sheet. Then spread it into the corners and continue to spread it out, taking care to keep the height of the batter at 1 inch; you won’t fill the pan. Lift the excess parchment paper up to meet the edge of the batter, then rest something against the paper so that it stays in place (I use custard cups).

Dust the top of the marshmallows with potato starch or cornstarch and let the marshmallows set in a cool, dry place. They’ll need about 3 hours, but they can rest for 12 hours or more.

Once they are cool and set, cut the marshmallows with a pair of scissors or a long thin knife. Whatever you use, you’ll have to rinse and dry it frequently. Have a big bowl with the remaining potato starch or cornstarch at hand and cut the marshmallows as you’d like — into squares, rectangles or even strips (as they’re cut in France). As each piece is cut, drop it into the bowl. When you’ve got 4 or 5 marshmallows in the bowl, reach in with your fingers and turn the marshmallows to coat them with starch, then, one by one, toss the marshmallows from one hand to the other to shake off the excess starch; transfer them to a serving bowl. Cut and coat the rest of the batch.



  1. Welcome to TWD! The light pink marshmallows look absolutely lovely. Adding rose water was such a good idea. I've got an unused bottle around here somewhere myself ...


  2. Your marshmallows look really scrummy! Nice and fluffy!! Well done on your first challenge! I think it was inspirational to add rosewater! I made peanut butter cookie s'mores with mine.

  3. Welcome to the group! I also have a bottle of rosewater, that I have not opened. Not even sure why I bought it. I may have to try this version of marshmallows. They look very pretty!

  4. Welcome to the group! You marshmallows look great...I love the pink! Great job!

  5. What a way to start with a bang! I was just telling my husband while we were eating ours that I thought rose flavored marshmallows would be awesome.

    Great job!

  6. Welcome to TWD!
    Great first recipe!
    The pink is lovely.

  7. Welcome to TWD! Your marshmallows look great! I've never heard of rose water before...Now I'm intrigued!

  8. Your marshmallows are lovely! In the future, bear in mind that rosewater makes a lovely ingredient in natural "from the kitchen" skin care. There is a host of ideas for using rose water at, at it's link for the "spa at home" section, so be sure to use up that rosewater on your skin!

  9. I was thinking that rosewater flavored marshmallows would be rather lovely, and I'm glad to see someone else had the same idea. Your pillowy pink marshmallows look lovely! Welcome aboard, btw!

  10. I love that idea! Very cool! Welcome!!

  11. Welcome to the group! It looks like your first week was a success! I love the idea of the rose flavored shmallows- they look delish, and so pretty!

  12. Thank you to all of you for the warm welcome!

  13. These are so pretty. I think I'll try some with rosewater next time.

  14. WELCOME to TWD! What a beautiful, delicious spin on the recipe!! That is awesome :O)

  15. Oh, those are lovely! Welcome to the group, and great job!

  16. Now, why didn't I think of that?
    They look lovely in pink!

  17. Your rose-flavored marshmallows look wonderful!

  18. It is fun to have other adults to relate to! Delicious looking marshmallows, welcome to TWD! :)

  19. These look simply gorgeous. Marshmallows are one of those foods, that when made well, can make you a believer!

  20. Those look so pretty!! I've never used rose water - I'll have to try that some time. Welcome to TWD!

  21. Welcome to the group! Your marshmallows had a beautiful pink tinge to them. Great job.

    How did they taste? I'm really curious because I've never had anything with rose water in it.

  22. Rose Flavored??? Never even heard of such a thing....hmm! Neat though! Love the color of the mallows!

  23. Those look delicious! I've never seen someone make marshmallows before...looks like a fun process with that initial giant marshmallow! I bet they were delicious.

  24. You did a fantastic job on your first assignment! Rose water and marshmallow is a sure success!

  25. You give me motivation to want to join this group. Great job!!! I'm so impressed. I feel like "the little engine that could"

  26. Sounds delicious and looks yummy! Welcome aboard

  27. Very pretty! This was my first week too. So fun!

  28. Wow Lori...what a beautiful post. Annnddd....29 comments! Your blog just sprouted wings. You go blogger-girl!!! ;)

  29. I have GOT to try these!! I love anything rose flavored, these are such a good idea!


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