
Monday, July 21, 2008


That Ivonne over at Cream Puffs in Venice is quite the idea Queen. Of course she is the founder of Daring Bakers but she also has been doing these Magazine Mondays for quite some time. She has had a lot of interesting and yummy dishes as a result. I have been wanting to join her for quite some time. So this Monday, I finally did. You may see the date on this one and think wow, she has a lot of old magazines laying around. Actually I clip the ones that sound interesting and recycle the rest of the magazine. These clippings make their way, eventually, to binders. I enjoy cutting and pasting into pages. Kind of a recipe scrap book of sorts. It's relaxing. You know your world really changes when you have children. Things like this become fun for you. (Or maybe it is just me).

This wonderful Spicy Orange Hummus (click on spicy orange hummus for the recipe) is from Cooking Light, Jan/Feb 1996. It is a change from the normal hummus and uses a little less fat then the original. So make some pita and enjoy this lovely recipe.


  1. Yum, sounds good. I do the exact same thing, clip the recipes and then organize them in a binder. Funny thing, my recipes get a spot in a book and my photos are in boxes.

  2. I'm trying to imagine orange and hummus in the same dish.


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