
Thursday, July 3, 2008


(Kind of looks like a Degal painting). Have you ever noticed the way you gravitate toward the dishes of your youth as you get older? When you are younger you just don't see food like your parents do. It takes maturity to appreciate the finer things in life. Food is no exception.
Take these squash blossom fritters. I absolutely did not like them as a kid. Now here I am with a garden growing out back, calling my Mother, Mom how did you make those blossom fritters? I think we eat deep fried food one to two times per year. I would have to say that these are worth it. They arent big on flavor, they are quite delicate but its something about the texture that really takes you.

See how light they are with the blossom whole on the inside? YUM.

So if you are lucky enough to grab some at the farmers market or you have them in your garden, here's how you do it. There are two kinds of blossoms, male and female. The females are the ones with the zucchini or other type of squash growing out of them. The males are just the blossom. Leave the females alone, just pick the males (leave some behind in the garden). Unless the squash is a couple inches long then you can take the female. Once you have picked them, clean any bugs out of the flower and pluck the stamen out. You are now ready to use them. They do not keep for long so use them right away. If you need to store them for a couple hours, wrap them in paper towel and place in a plastic bag and refrigerate.

The Batter

1 cup ap flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup peccorino romano
1 egg
1/2 cup to 3/4 of a cup of water, beer or milk

Combine all ingredients and whisk until smooth. The batter should be the consistency of ketchup. Hold squash blossom at the bottom and dip into the batter, coating all over. Place in about an inch of hot oil. I use canola. Fry till a light golden color and turn over. Place on paper towel and salt lightly.

Bon appetito!


  1. A few years ago I was out for dinner in Seattle at Elliot's. I ordered king crab legs, my plate arrived with the king crab and a little bonus, deep fried squash blossoms stuffed with a crab salad was sooooo yummy! I've always wanted to recreate that dish here at home.

  2. I never eat these but really look wonderful!!! I will try! xxGloria

  3. What memories! I love these and you did it just right, kiddo ;)

  4. Oh my! The squash blossoms look lovely!


  5. I have wanted to try these for so long now...they look great!

  6. Those look good! I have been wanting to try squash blossoms.


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