
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lemon Ricotta Pancakes with Lemon Curd

Kat over at A Good Appetite made these lemon ricotta pancakes and I just knew I had to make them. Her and Matt always seem to be filled with good ideas. So last Sunday morning I could not get on the internet, so I kind of winged it. I was very pleased with the result and apparently so was everyone else because they disappeared in a flash. (Hence the not so perfect pancakes were all that were left, sigh). Next time, because there will definitely be a next time, I will try Kat's recipe.

Lemon Ricotta Pancakes

1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1 egg
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/3 buttermilk
3/4 cup ricotta
zest of one lemon

Whisk the flour and baking powder in a large bowl. Add buttermilk, egg, salt, sugar and zest. Whisk to combine. Add ricotta and stir with a spoon.


Your batter should not plop off the spoon but it should not run of the spoon like water either. It should look a tiny bit thicker than buttermilk.

The pan should not be too hot because the surface will cook faster than the insides and you will have mushy pancakes.

Lemon Curd

5 yolks
1 cup sugar
juice and zest of 4 lemons
1 stick of butter (4 oz.) cut in eight pieces

Combine yolks, sugar, juice and zest of lemons in a stainless steel bowl. Whisk until combined. Place bowl over boiling water. (You could also use a double boiler). Stir with whisk constantly. You want to heat it until it sticks to the back of a spoon. When you run your finger through it, it makes a trail. This usually takes anywhere from eight to ten minutes.

Take off the heat and whisk in pieces of butter one at a time until melted. Place in a glass or ceramic container and refrigerate. You can store this for about a week. It freezes well and defrosts rapidly.


  1. Talk about lipsmacking goodness. YUM. :D

  2. Lori, these do look good. I love lemon 'anything'.

  3. it's hard for me to even think about pancakes without maple syrup, but these are irresistible. nicely done, lori!

  4. Those look soooo good! Wish I would of made them over the weekend. Next time:)

  5. Not even difficult and looks so good - ricotta cheese and lemon - oh yaaaaa.

  6. That's so creative! I'm impressed! I can't make things up on the fly. Bad things happen.

  7. Wow these looks amazing! I can't wait to make them. Lori, for the buttermilk, is it 1 1/3 cup? The unit was missing from the recipe. Thanks!

  8. Janice, the unit 1 1/3 cup is in the list for the recipe. I am afraid I don't understand your question.

  9. Thanks, Lori! I probably have a problem with my browser I can't see "cup" after 1 1/3 =)

    Now I can try making these delicious pancakes!!!


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