
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dill-icious! Low Fat Dill Dip and Salmon Burgers

When I was growing up my Mom would make salmon burgers, bleck, tu - tu (spitting). I hated them. Frankly, I thought it was rather cruel of her to serve such a thing. Oh, the mind of a child. Now that I am an adult, I see the error of my ways. First, I should have been grateful to get food! (Can you tell I am a Mom?). Second, what the fruit was I thinking? Salmon burgers, done right, are absolutely amazing. Really!

When I lived in South Carolina, something made me try salmon burgers again. I guess it was the recipe I saw on Epicurious for dilled salmon burgers. I was so curious. Maybe these would be different. Indeed, they were. Great flavor. Canned salmon is not so bad if you don't have fresh. I have used both.

I know I have mentioned SC before but did you know I lived in a little town called Abbeville. A great little town. With really great restaurants. I have to say some of the best food I have had at a restuarant was there. Who'd have thunk it? They told me there that their big claim to fame was that Julia Roberts had come to their town to film a part in Sleeping with the Enemy. Don't tell her but they thought she was a SNOT! Who knows maybe she had a cold or something. And, well, the people of SC couldn't be any more friendlier if they tried, so I guess anyone would look like a snot next to them! Maybe she is, maybe she's not but I loved to hear them talk about it.

Dill and Caper Spread

1/2 cup dill
4 oz soft tofu
2 generous tablespoons mayonnaise
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tablespoons low fat mayo
juice of a half of a lemon
2 tablespoons capers
1 teaspoon kosher salt
fresh crushed peppercorns to taste

Whiz these amazingly flavored ingredients (okay, tofu is not exactly packed with flavor now is it?) in a processor or blender until smooth. Add salt to taste. If you don't mind some extra calories, throw in a tablespoon of olive oil, it will make it creamier. I have to say it was pretty good as is.

Dilled Salmon Burgers

1/4 cup chopped fresh dill
2 generous tablespoons mayonnaise
12 crushed saltine crackers or soda crackers
1 egg
12- 16 oz. fresh salmon, chopped into a medium dice

Combine all together. Form into patties and refrigerate for at least an hour. Fry on a med/high skillet until golden. I used two teaspoons of butter to fry them.


  1. That spread sounds amazing! I bet it would be good on a grilled salmon steak too.

  2. Yyyuuuummmm! That spread looks fabulous, love dill, love capers - the tofu is an interesting addition. I want to make it this summer to have with a piece of leftover cold salmon.
    BTW, the picture is really great - sometimes it's so hard for me to get good food photos.

  3. You even use fresh salmon. I bet these taste wonderful! When I make salmon burgers, I just use canned salmon.

  4. It looks good Lori, yes isn't it funny how our tastes change from when we were a kid, thank goodness HUH!!!

  5. Oh, my, but these look and sound good!

  6. I didn't like fish either until I went fishing with my grandfather and we barbecued the fresh catch over a fire on the beach. :)

    Salmon burger is an interesting and healthier alternative to the regular burger. :))

  7. Oh Lori, that looks so good! Let me tell you--you have some good recipes going on around here!! I'm lovin' it.

  8. Oh my....this looks absolutely fantastic. I have salmon I need to use up and will definitely be trying this in the next day or so!


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