
Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I'm doing an article for Daring Bakers about food dye. I am pretty excited about it. I learned something all from a comment on my Psychedelic Beet Bread from Grace over at A Southern Grace. Her comment, " I just learned what red food coloring is made from, so i'll be using something else in the future. :)", sent me out for some serious research regarding red food dye in particular. I will post the link when my article goes up so you can read it.

In preparation for my article I made these cool eggs. I wanted to test out the onion skin dyed egg thing. I know it's a bit late from Easter but I wanted to share.

I placed about 8 big, regular, onion skins in a 2 qt sauce pan. I filled the pan up 3/4 of the way to the top. I poured in about a 1/4 cup of white distilled vinegar and brought it to a boil. I cooled the mixture off and strained it. I placed my eggs inside and boiled it until my eggs were done and voila, reddish colored eggs. If you leave the skin in you will get some cool markings on your eggs.


  1. Oh, I'm not sure I want to know what's in red food dye...what will happen to my red velvet cupcakes?!

  2. I'm intrigued now. I can't wait to read your article.

  3. Even with Easter past, it is a treat to have dyed eggs as a surprise for a breakfast or packed away in a lunch box.

    I look forward to your up coming article:)

  4. What's it made out of? I'm so curious now!

  5. i'm glad i could save you from continuing to eat something so unsavory. :)
    can't wait to read your article!

  6. I have seen this red dye trick but wondered how it really works. Will look forward to reading your article.

  7. Isn't commercial red food dye made from insects or something?

  8. Murasaki- yup it is. Big production of it in the Canary Islands as I understand.

  9. Beet Juice - is the answer for bright red eggs.


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