
Thursday, May 28, 2009


After a brief hiatus, I am back. There was much preparation, the actual party/reunion for my Dad's birthday and recovery and cleanup. I HAD SO MUCH FUN. My Sister-in-law, "M", was here and she said in her family they talk about their "party anxiety". I have that a lot. Any party I have ever had, I usually get all hyper about, at least at some point. This party I was much more relaxed, matter of fact I wasn't anxious at all. I think it may have had something to do with the amazing sangria I drank several nights in a row. Really, I don't think there is a drink I like more than a sangria. You can make it ahead of time and it is actually preferable, so you dont have to stand there at the blender or spend anytime mixing drinks. But this post is not about Sangria (tune in a few days from now for that post), it's about mochi.

Mochi, in my opinion is pretty close in taste to pound cake. The texture of this cake was nice. A great accompaniment to coffee.


16 oz. mochiko rice flour (or can substitute for any brand of glutinous rice flour) 1 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1 (12 ounce) can evaported milk
4 eggs
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 teaspoon orange extract
2/3 cup fresh strawberries, cut into small cubes Instructions
2/3 cup frozen or fresh blueberries
2/3 cup mango, chopped

Preheat oven to 350F. Cream the butter and sugar. Add eggs one at a time until incorporated. Mix in the evaporated milk to the butter/sugar mixture. Mix in the rice flour, baking powder, orange extract and vanilla. Stir in the mango, strawberries and blueberries. Pour mixture into small tart molds or a 9 x 13 pan. Bake for approximately 1 hour at 350 degrees if using the 9 x 13. Check after 30 minutes if using the tarts. Let cake(s) completely cool, allowing the mochi to set, before cutting and serving. If using the tarts, let sit for ten minutes then remove them from the molds.


  1. Lovely photos Lori. I've never had mochi. I'll have to give a try one day.

    Glad to hear that you had a wonderful party!

  2. Lori- This looks fantastic, Ive never used this type of flour, Ill have to try. Love the fruit paired with this creation, delicious!

  3. Lori - this looks wonderful. You area really a corageous cook.

  4. Looks yummy. If you're ever in my neck of the woods - we can drink Sangria on my balcony with a view of the Mediterranean sea! :)

  5. mochi is certainly new to me, but if you say it's anything like pound cake, i'm definitely game! lovely presentation. :)

  6. Looks so lovely how you arranged it on the plate :)

  7. The end product certainly doesn't speak anxiety - it speaks my name.

  8. Lori... Suppppper Yummy! I love the different fruit you put into it! You know I heart mochi! :)

  9. You can count me in as one that has never heard of mochi. Looks like a wonderful treat, & loving the fruit combination you've used!! Kudos!

  10. Ive never made this & it sounds so good!

  11. I have been seeing this mochi cake more and more. I need to try it.

  12. You have certainly introduced me to something new Lori, it looks lovely! he picture is wondeful!


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