
Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Recently I found these great nut snacks at our local health food store. They are crunchy bars of nuts coated in sugar. My daughter and I love them but the pocketbook not so much. So with all kinds of nuts in my freezer (they keep better there), I decided to try my hand at making these. Next time I think I will add a pinch of cinnamon and some honey. They came out great though. They are such a treat.

Nut Crunch

1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup pepita
1/4 cup Brazil nuts, chopped
1/2 cup cashews, chopped

Butter a standard size cookie sheet and set aside. In a large sauce pan add nuts and toast nuts, being careful not to scorch the nuts. Remove from heat and set aside. In the same pan, place 1 1/2 cups sugar, heat over med high heat. Try not to stir. Heat until sugar melts. Add nuts and stir to combine. Pour into prepared baking sheet. Quickly smooth mixture out to desired thickness. Score the mixture in the size pieces that you would like. Store in an air tight container at room temperature.


  1. Oooh Lori, with this bowl filled with such goodness and angled right at me, I sure wish I could just help myself!

  2. That looks so delicious. Great finger food for company.

  3. yummy whats pepita forgive i am a Brit

  4. Lucy- I wish you could too. Wouldnt it be cool if we could sample from blogs.

    Mary- thank you.

    Chow and Chatter- pepita is pumpkin seeds (hulled).

  5. Oh nut brittle, sounds so good!

  6. They look delicious and I love the simplicity of it all. Might try making these soon.

  7. those look great! i'll have to try making some.

  8. simple and delicious, and of course i concur that cinnamon needs to be added. :)


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