
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

French Onion Soup

This is one of my all time favorite soups. Just a few ingredients can make this soup spectacular. My friend and I use to oreder it all the time when we went to TGIFridays. It was one of four things; French Onion soup, Cobb salad, potstickers or wings. All healthy, I know. Yeah, right. That was when I was single and could go to restaurants on a regular basis. We of course had cocktails to go with our ultra-healthy entrees!

A week or so ago I had a bunch of onions in my pantry that were starting to go bad. I pulled the basket out and went through them. Some were mush but some were salvageable. I used those plus a few nice ones. I sauteed them in butter and then added water. I let that cook for an hour or so. I drained and discarded the onion. I kept the broth, knowing that it was destined for French Onion Soup. It was a just a little to warm at that point to make it. The weather turned rainy and a little chilly so I pulled out my broth and made my soup.

French Onion Soup

8 cups broth (I had an onion broth but beef works real well)
4 large onions, sliced thinly then cut in half
1 teaspoon thyme
1 bay leaf
2 tablespoons beef boullion (if you dont use beef broth)
1/2 cup Sherry
2 oz to 4 tablespoons butter (you really need this, it gives it such great flavor)
mozzarella or swiss, grated

Saute the onions in butter until carmelized. Add broth and seasonings along with the sherry. Let it simmer for about a half of an hour. Pour into oven safe bowls. Place a piece of toast on top and a piece of cheese, shredded works better. Place it under the broiler until the cheese browns a little.


  1. it's been so yucky and rainy here in the NYC area lately, this soup seems like it would really hit the spot

  2. French onion soup is a favorite of mine. I love your version!

  3. I can eat French onion soup anytime, anywhere. In my book it's a food of the gods. Yours looks wonderful.

  4. this looks great love french onion soup also

  5. That looks soooo good. I used to work at Fridays and know how dangerous that place is; the food was always good. Unfortunately, or fortunately for my behind, they changed their menu and I don't quite enjoy it as much as I used to.

    This recipe looks like a keeper. I recently made French onion soup for the first time and no one finished his bowl:( Yours will be great I am certain.

  6. This would be just perfect here in NY w/the weather, rainy & cool, and it's favorite in my home too. :-)

  7. Matt absolutely adores French Onion Soup but I've never made it for him, guess I should

  8. another thing I haven't attempted at home yet and love out. Yours looks extra cheesy like I like it!

  9. I have been wanting to make french onion soup for a while now. There is a recipe in one of Thomas Keller's books but it takes like 8 hours! I may have to start with something more reasonable like your recipe :)

    Melty stringy cheese is the best.


  10. I love French Onion Soup and yours looks really good! :D

  11. Lori , Its my favourite dear ..
    looks delicius Lori


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