
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Squash Blossom Quesadillas

Going to the market for me is like opening presents on Christmas day. You look and look to see what each vendor has and then you are surprised and pleased to find something unique and desirable. I hit the jackpot last Thursday- squash blossoms, lookin' all fresh and perky.

Now, the next question is why did I get them? I hate when I make these spontaneous, impulsive purchases, like at garage sales. The reason why I second guessed my decision is because usually you fry them and that's not what I wanted to do. Going with my Mexican mood- I decided to make quesadillas. Now, this was a good decision.

Squash Blossom Quesadillas

1 small onion, chopped
2 teaspoons olive oil
8 to 10 squash blossoms
1 tomato chopped
2 to 3 oz Monterey or Empire Jack Cheese
1 serrano chile, minced
4 flour tortillas

Saute onion and chiles in olive oil until soft. Add squash blossoms and cook until wilted. Add chopped tomatoes and cook for one minute more. Remove from heat. Divide mixture evenly over two tortillas. Sprinkle with cheese. Place other tortilla on top. Toast in and oven or in the frying pan. Flip and toast other side.


  1. Yum. I think I had fried zucchini blossoms in Tuscany years ago and they were delicious. Great find!

  2. i too have only tried the fried blossoms. and i've never cooked with them, so i'm impressed.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Now you're talking!!! Just love those squash flowers, and wishing I was next door when these were ready.

    Last year I went to my farmers market looking for them, the ones in my garden were slow in coming. Well needless to say there were none to be had... and I asked some vendors and they looked at me as if I had 2 heads!

  5. Quesdillas are the world's best food.

  6. these look fab

    By the way I changed my site address to
    To match the name ! Love Rebecca

  7. I've never had squash blossoms before (care to describe the taste?) but it makes a beautiful quesadilla. I know exactly what you mean about going to the farmer's market and opening presents, although I'm the opposite about impulsive shopping (I'm all about it!)

  8. what a treat! i feel the same way about market day as you--it's always exciting to see what's being offered! gorgeous quesadillas, lori. :)

  9. My garden is just full of them so I should try cooking with them

  10. Lori, you are a sketch!

    This is very creative and I bet they were good!!

  11. I've never had squash blossoms. My children are pretty adventurous when it comes to food but was wondering if your children eat or at least try everything you make.

  12. Ingrid--- ah, no. Sometimes they eat it, sometimes they don't. My oldest daughter eats very "normal" kid stuff and doesnt go off the beaten path. I make her eat one bite of everything I make though. Although I did get her hooked on miso soup and tofu when she was two. I use to put tofu in her smoothies all the time to get protein into her.

    THe other one pretty much will eat anything.

    Kids are funny aren't they?


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