
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bones of the Dead

My husband and I are off trick or treating with our Queens, I mean kids. My parents will be here so please sit down, pour a cup of coffee and have a bone or two.

Ossi Dei Morti (Italian, Bones of the Dead)
Lori's Lipsmacking Goodness

2/3 cup sugar
8 tablespoons butter, unsalted
2 eggs
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
1 cup ground almonds

Preheat oven to 400F. In a large bowl cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time and then vanilla. Add flour, salt and almonds.

Grab a tablespoon of the mixture and shape into a bone, Bake at 400F for about ten minutes. They will not brown on top, do not overbake.

These are a not so sweet treat that you will really enjoy with some coffee or tea... or hot cocoa.

Update: My Mom wants to rename these cookies, "Just one more" cookies.


  1. these are very cool have a great day Lori

  2. What a great sounding cookie. So in keeping with the day.

  3. Oh my goodness! These look spooky and delicious!

  4. These sound good. The Spanish 'bones of the dead' are horrible. Tried buying some from a good bakery and it was like punishment.

  5. yes...these would certainly be better than feasting on the bones of the living.
    gosh, that was more morbid than i meant it to be. :)

  6. Murasaki- I think the nuts really make these cookies great. I think they would be too dry without them.

    Grace- your comment is in keeping with Halloween. The name of the recipe is also morbid if you think about it.

  7. These really look great. Perfect for day of the dead.

  8. yum! I love these kinds of cookies, they remind me of these bite size cookies that the boyfirend's aunt makes every xmas. I could eat a whole container of them in one sitting!

  9. Wow, great job here. Awesome picture too! You should really consider submitting this to Recipe4Living's Ghoulishly Good Halloween Recipe Contest! It looks delicious!


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