
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Some unfinished business and zucchini fries to nibble on

Last summer I seen these Zucchini Fries on blogs everywhere but I ran out of time. Too many of these 'mock crab cakes' were eaten by me and then I just love zucchini roasted plain. This year I finally tried the fries. Worth every little step to make them. Try it, you'll like it.


1/4 cup milk
1 egg white
1/2 cup bread crumbs
1/2 cup peccorino romano cheese
2 medium sized zucchini's

Preheat oven to 425°. Cut zucchini into 3-inch sticks.

Whisk an egg white in a small bowl, and add 1⁄4 cup milk.

In another bowl, combine 1⁄2 cup shredded Peccorino Romano and 1⁄2 cup seasoned breadcrumbs in a separate bowl.

Dip zucchini sticks into egg mixture, and then roll in breadcrumb mixture. Coat a baking sheet with cooking spray, and place zucchini on sheet. Bake for 25–30 minutes or until golden brown.

Calories 64; Fat 2g Protein 4g; Carbohydrate 7g; Sugars 2g; Fiber 1g;

I finally finished this. It started when I saw this idea in a book when I was pregnant with my first child, ahhh, like, 7 years ago. And I began brainstorming how I would make it and not follow all the directions. Why? Because I hate directions, I'd rather get thoroughly frustrated and figure it out myself then take the time to read directions. When my daughter was about 1 I began working on it. I hit a roadblock. I didn't know how to fix my mistake. I put it away. Last week, I pulled it out and finished it up. Perfect or not, it's a completed project. I am all about completing projects and getting rid of stuff that I just dont use anymore. So I am one happy girl. I will be using it for storing hair stuff for the girls. Wahhooo. Done!


  1. LOL, I find it very hard to believe that you don't like to foloow directions. I do believe that you like to finish what you start! Nice job!

  2. lovin these fries and your finished it its lovely

  3. Love the sound of these zucchini fries, Id love to dip them in a horseradishy- sauce.

  4. I'll have to bookmark this recipe for next year!

  5. I absolutely love zucchini fries. Mine are more simple and just coated in flour and deep fried, but these sure sound good...gotta try making them! :)

  6. YUM YUM YUM I love the idea that these are baked. Zucchini fries are so good. Haven't made them from scratch so will have to definitely give these a try. Just tasting them with warm marinara sauce in my mind!

  7. We love zucchini fries, however your post reminds me that I haven't made them in some time! They look great!

    Heeeheeee, My husband doesn't read directions either. Recently I had to walk out of the kitchen when he was putting in our new dishwasher. Boy that was a fun morning :-)

  8. a seven-year project, eh? that's okay--at least you finished, and it looks great! also looking great are these terrific fried. romano is an excellent cheese choice.

  9. I've been meaning to make those mock crab cakes things but haven't got to them.
    You should see the amount of unfinished projects I have so good for you finishing one!

  10. Lori, is the zucchini crisp? They sounds so good and we still have zucchini in our area. I just have had bad luck getting veggie fries to crisp up in the oven. Hopefully, you've answered my problem.

  11. Mary- Some of them do crisp, mainly the batter- cheese and egg white- give it that little crunch. You have to make sure that one does not go on top of another when you plate them because then they kind of steam each other and wilt.

  12. I love zucchini fries! I had them at one of my favourite restaurants before going GF, but this looks like an awesome way to do it myself - Thanks!


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