
Monday, November 16, 2009

Spiced Peach Compote with Apple Cider Mousse

I was emptying out my fridge the other day and whew, found some coconut milk that I had forgotten about. That was the stinkiest smell that I think I have ever smelled, except for when I worked in the hospital and caught a whiff of rotting flesh (gangrene). Sorry so graphic, but man, I am here to tell you- never let your coconut milk go bad!

So anyway I did find some spiced peach compote in there. Hmmm. And I found some cider caramel. Now you might be asking yourself why I have some cider caramel in my fridge and exactly what is cider caramel. Well, it was an experiment gone bad. I had some cider that was getting close to the fermenting stage- it hadnt started yet but it was close. I boiled it down on the stove, it reduced and reduced until it was very thick. I started with sweet cider and ended up with very tart cider caramel. Who knew I should have added sugar. Well I didnt and now next time I make it I know. And make it I will if not just for the fact that I can make some of this tastey mousse again.

So there it is a story of an experiment that brought about something tastey.

Spiced Peach Compote
scaled down a bit

4 peaches, chopped or 2 cups frozen
1/2 cup sugar (give or take depending on how sweet your peaches are)
1 cinnamon stick or 1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 clove or 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

Combine all the ingredients in a sauce pan and cook down until peaches have nearly dissolved away and the mixture has thickened a bit. If you find that your mixture is thin, in a small cup combine a 1/2 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1 1/2 tablespoons of water. Combine and stir into peach mixture.

Apple Cider Mousse

3 tablespoons carmelized cider (or caramel would be a great subsitute)
3 ounces cream cheese
3 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a bowl combine caramel, cream cheese and sugar. Whip until light.
In a seperate bowl combine whipping cream, sugar and vanilla. Mix until mixture is thick and forms stiff peaks. Gently fold the whipped cream into the caramel mixture.


  1. This is a beautiful dessert, would like to add this in my to do list :)

  2. How does something end up so good when it starts off so bad??? peeeeeuuuuuwwww

  3. This is a very nice dessert. Simple to prepare but elegant. Very nice!

  4. apple cider mousse? are you kidding me? my goodness, who needs compote when there’s apple cider mousse to be devoured? what a lovely seasonal treat, lori!

  5. Oh, that sounds good but now you have me worrying that I have a can of coconut milk going bad in the fridge

  6. What a lovely seasonal treat, Lori.
    There is an air of elegance about it that makes it especially appealing.

  7. I wish my "mistakes" turned out looking (& tasting) as yummy yours do.

    LOL, first paragraph? Bad way to start a food post! LOL!

  8. Sounds like you came up with a successful experiment. Good job to you, for using up those little refrigerator tidbits :)

  9. Lori, what an intriguing combination of ingredients, apple mouse and peaches. The more I think about it the better it sounds. The dessert looks elegant and I'll bet it tastes that way too.

  10. Gorgeous dessert, I love the layered look and the apple cider mousse, fantastic idea!

  11. Your focus on making something yummy is refreshing. Sometimes I feel people get too caught up in other issues in their cooking.

  12. Beautiful dessert for sure! I hate when I get stinky things in my fridge...especially when I can't find them!


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