
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nutmeg-y Coffee Cake

Before New Years I was in search for a recipe for some coffee cake. My parents really like a good coffee cake and we were expecting company so I figured why not. I think the real name of this coffee cake should be nutmeg coffee cake. The flavor is real pronounced in the cake. I usually go light on nutmeg but this time I wanted to follow the recipe exactly ( I usually don't) just to see how I liked it. To my surprise my daughter just loved it. I liked it too, but my picky six, soon to be seven, went hog wild over it.

The cake has a real nice texture. I could definitely see myself making it again.

Buttermilk (Nutmeg) Coffee Cake
from Sunset magazine, recipe here

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
About 2/3 cups (1/3 lb.) melted butter or margarine
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 large egg, beaten to blend
1 cup buttermilk
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda

In a large bowl, combine brown sugar, granulated sugar, flour, nutmeg, and 2/3 cup butter. Transfer 1 packed cup of the sugar mixture to a small bowl. Add nuts and cinnamon, mixing well. Set aside.

To the remaining mixture in the large bowl, add egg, buttermilk, baking powder, and baking soda; mix well. Pour batter into a buttered 9-inch cheesecake pan with removable rim. Sprinkle cinnamon-nut mixture evenly (you can see that I wasnt exactly even in my sprinklage) over batter.

Bake in a 350° oven until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean and cake begins to pull from pan sides, about 40 minutes. Cool on a rack at least 20 minutes. Remove pan rim. Serve warm or cool.


  1. This is def in my must-make stash. I make a nutmeg cake which I love, but this one looks super good! Can't wait to try it when the craving hits next!!

  2. Looks absolutely delicious! I love the flavor of nutmeg. Wish I could have a piece now!

  3. I love the flavor of nutmeg, so this one immediately caught my attention. Can't wait to try it.

  4. I am a huge nutmeg fan. I bet this cake is super scrumptious!

  5. oh this looks delicious but still can't get the cute lil monkey out my head!!

  6. This looks so scrumptious, can just smell that nutmeg! It's funny but I used to see recipes for coffee cake and go "huh?" but where's the coffee? Finally cottoned on to the fact that they are similar to what we call tea-cakes :) Love the Monkey Cake in the last post too, very cute.

  7. I bet that flavor is perfect for the holidays too

  8. although i do prefer cinnamon to nutmeg, there are times when i want a change. and hey--there's still a good amount of cinnamon involved, so i think i'd like this very much. :)

  9. Oh yummy, I love any kind of coffee cake...will try this for sure.

  10. I could see myself making this. But then again I really like nutmeg. Your babygirl's taste are changing. :)

  11. I'm feeling kind of lazy now and this cake sounds nice 'n easy! :D

  12. I just made some apple/raisin/oatmeal muffins with nutmeg in them. I usually avoid nutmeg as it seems to have such a strong flavor, but the muffins turned out fine. Bet it was a good flavor in your coffee cake, too.


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