
Monday, March 29, 2010

Bistro French Lentil Soup

Today is foggy and gray- I just can't seem to get myself motivated.  I have prolific laundry needing to be attended to, cleaning, organizing to do and here I sit.   I think I am coming down with something.  A perfect day for a soup like this.

French lentils are not so easy to find at least around here.  If you can find them, buy them.  They hold their shape quite nicely- making them perfect for soups and salads.

Bistro French Lentil Soup
adapted from Williams Sonoma (catalogue)

1 cup cooked French green
2 tsp olive oil
1 med yellow onion, finely diced
2 cups fresh freens such as spinach or arugula, stemmed
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp grated lemon zest
2 cups low-sodium chicken broth

In a large pot over medium-high heat, combine lentils with 3 cups water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until lentils are tender, about 30 min. Drain and set aside.

In a soup pot over medium heat, saute onion and garlic in olive oil, stirring occasionally, until golden, 6-8 min. Add arugula or spinach and cook, stirring, 2 min. more. Add lentils, cumin, lemon zest, broth and 2 cups water. Simmer, uncovered, stirring occasionally, about 15 min. Add salt to taste.


  1. It looks very restorative, Lori. The WS recipes are really quite good. I hope you're not coming down with anything serious. It would be very bad luck to be sick for the holiday. Blessings...Mary

  2. how very fiber-ful and yummy! here's hoping your immune system defeats whatever's creeping up on you!

  3. Lori, that soup looks so good and healthful I am sure you will feel better in no time.

    Hugs. I am glad you are giving yourself such good care.

  4. Looks really yummy! Love your dishes, too, by the way.

    Thanks for stopping by. Hope you feel better soon. =)

  5. Yum, we bought some French lentils while in San Francisco & have been enjoying them as a salad. Now I want to do soup

  6. Despite a full winter of soups and stews, this one still has my mouth watering. I can never pass up a good lentil soup!


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