
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Moroccan Chicken Tagine

After seeing Hubert Keller on Create TV, I was really intrigued by tagines. Hubert Keller is a well known chef and owns a few restaurants. I know people have heard of Thomas Keller, but I wonder how many have heard of Hubert Keller. Why is one chef more popular than another?  Does one promote himself more than the other? Does one have backing and can network better? Does one have more connections than the other? These are things my idle brain contemplates.  
The Cuisine of Hubert Keller

Anyway, the tagine is what was sitting on my plate with the risotto from Sunday's post. I really thought cous cous would be a better match for the tagine. But I was very late on my Daring Cook challenge so I had to make it yesterday which was the day of my tagine. I thought hey, why not? Throw them together on a plate it might all work out. Oh the creaminess of the risotto when real well with the flavorful gravy of the tagine. It was delicious. I wouldnt hesitate to pair these two again. (Even though I really love cous cous).

Moroccan Chicken Tagine

6 dried Mission figs, chopped
6 dried apricots, chopped
6 prunes, chopped
1 onion, minced
2 tablespoons preserved lemon, minced
8 chicken thighs, skinned
4 cloves garlic
3 tablespoons tomato paste
1 cup water
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons cumin
11/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons corriander seed, ground

Mix all the rub ingredients together on a shallow bowl and coat the chicken thighs with the rub. Heat a tablespoon of oil in a dutch oven or a large frying pan that has a cover. Sear the chicken, browning on both sides. Combine the tomato paste and the water and add to chicken once browned. Add the chopped fruits as well. Cover and heat on a low flame. You want to just barely simmer. Stir often, cooking for about an hour.

There is still time to jump in on the giveaway band wagon.  Deadline is Wednesday March 16th at midnight.


  1. Absolutely delish Lori...oh this Moroccon tangine is fantastic ...
    cheers and wonderful day.....

  2. now this is HEAVENLY to me. nice. i love this lori!

  3. i'm posting about some moroccan chicken tomorrow, although yours is much more authentic than mine. it's goooood stuff either way!

  4. What a delicious combination of flavors! My mom was making a similar dish yesterday & served her's with rice too.

  5. I've been so tempted to make a tagine lately that I even bought a tagine to cook it in. Then I found out it was not safe for use on the stove top and I returned it. Then the internet search began for one for use on the stove top. I had it down to le creuset and emile henri and in the end decided it was all too expensive, and I could make due with a cast iron casserole:( Now I have your recipe ear marked to try and I even have a pkg of thighs in the freezer....hmm maybe Monday! Thanks:)

  6. Lori, I am sooooo making this!!! It sounds fantastic. I have been eyeballing recipes like this for a while. This looks delicious!!


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