
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Odds and Ends with Ceaser on the side

Besides this salad, I have a couple things that I wanted to share with you. 

First up, if you read my blog, you know that I am in love with intoxicating curry leaf.  My first hint of it was way back when I made Olan Stew the first time.  No picture there cause I had just started my blog.  Then I made Olan Stew ( pictures there) again and talked about the leaf here.  At our local store curry leaf costs 22 dollars a pound.  Yes, thats right.  But in perspective the leaves don't weigh that much so I can get a nice little handful for a dollar.  I decided after a little bit of research and my need to widen my plant collection that I wanted to purchase this plant.  So here is the little baby.

Ain't she pretty?  From what I understand they can grow upwards of seven feet tall.  I wouldn't mind that because it is so very pretty.


Shortly after Christmas my biking bud (bike as in Trek not Harley) sent me a beautiful new recipe box.  She lives in Colorado now with her lovely little family.  I miss her so much.  We used to take long bike rides, usually down the Erie Canal and stop and have some picnic "gourmet" lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  We jokingly called them gourmet because to us college students, pbj's on artisan bread was pretty darn gourmet.

I can only describe 'M's sense of humor as just plain zaney sometimes.  What I remember most about our friendship is lots of laughter.  But as a fellow social worker we also had some real heavy conversations too. I miss her and sure wish she was closer.  We either have to move to CO or she needs to move here to NY. Until then we will just have to tough out the distance. Thanks 'M' for a very thoughtful gift.

Ceaser Salad

1 egg
2 anchovies
1 clove of garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
juice of one lemon
splash of Tabasco
Parmesan cheese
romaine lettuce

In a blender or processor, process anchovies and garlic until miced add lemon juice, vinegar, dry mustard, Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco.  Blend until combined.  Add in egg, process a minute or two.  Slowly drizzle in olive oil and let it blend until creamy.  Drizzle over salad and croutons.  Sprinkle cheese on top.


  1. I love Ceasar Salad! And your new recipe box is organized!! I am envious. (It's pretty too)

  2. I wonder how hardy a curry plant is? It would be fun to try growing one but I worry zone 4 might be a little harsh

  3. Kat- I am actually going to keep as an indoor plant because I dont think it would survive outside. I think the winters here would kill it.

  4. This is quite a simple salad, I love it. The curry leaf is really expensive as we can get only 20 cents for a small bunch in the market. I have curry plant at home, you might like to take a look under herbs & spices.

  5. My hubby has been asking for a Ceaser salad and now I can make it for him!

  6. my fav salad looks yummy lori.
    Hey Lori iam also hosting give away if ur intrested pls do join in

  7. I'm not certain I can even find curry leaves. Going to look around this weekend.
    Great salad recipe!

  8. What a lovely Caesar salad, Lori. I'm going to have trouble getting curry leaf here, but I may be able to grow a plant this summer.

  9. What a lovely gift.

    If your plant grows well (& to 7 ft tall) you could use it to make some extra dough. Get it? Dough? I know lame. I'm bad like that.

  10. I was all excited about having a curry leaf plant here until I saw the 7 feet tall! We can't get curry leaves here and I was wishing that this could be the answer to my prayers. Oh, well....

    Ceaser salad looks so very good! Love it.


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