
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Big Buns... you know for burgers

Has it really been since Friday since I last posted?  Spring break has been a busy time for us.  We have been crafting and playing. Some of the crafts will be popping up on my blog Craftication within the week.  One, a pillow case is already there but a tutorial will be following.

I saw these great buns on Serious Eats.  I love this other bun that I did some time ago but I am always looking to try a few more. This one was very light and tastey.  It was a very happy dough that made 8 big size buns.  If you want a smaller bun, I would definitely go with nine, maybe even ten.  I highly recommend the recipe but have one caveat.  I made a mistake when I made them and accidentally put the egg that was suppose to be for an egg wash in the dough.  So I added 3 eggs to that batter (probably the reason why they made such big buns!).

The recipe for the bean burger that's hiding in there will be my next post.

adapted from this recipe on Serious Eats

1/2 cup warm whole milk
3/4 cup warm water
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 1/2 tablespoons granulated sugar
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
3 large eggs
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened

Combine milk, water, yeast, and sugar in small bowl or 2-cup glass measure. Let stand 5 minutes until foamy.  Combine flour and salt in bowl of stand mixer fitted with dough hook.  Add yeast mixture and mix on medium-low speed until combined. With mixer running, add three eggs, one at a time, waiting for eggs to become fully incorporated between additions. Add butter one tablespoon at a time until fully incorporated.

Continue to mix on medium-low speed for 2-3 minutes. If dough appears too sticky, add flour, 1 tablespoon at a time, until it pulls away from sides of mixer (it will still stick to bottom). Continue kneading until dough is smooth and elastic, 5-6 minutes longer.

Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled in volume (about 2 hours at room temperature, or 8 hours in the refrigerator).  Grab from the bowl pieces about the size of golf balls (ping pong balls if you want smaller buns). Place the piece of dough on a parchment lined baking sheet. You want to space them about 3 inches apart. I only placed about four for a standard size cookie sheet. Spray with non-stick cooking spray (or brush with oil), cover loosely with plastic wrap, and allow to rise at room temperature until approximately doubled in volume (about two hours).

Adjust oven racks to lower-middle and upper-middle positions and preheat oven to 400°F.  Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes. Transfer buns to rack and allow to cool completely.

Note:  If you want shiny buns follow the Serious Eats recipe.  


  1. I bet with the extra egg they were nice & rich too!

  2. They look fabulous. My kids tell me the reason they eat hamburgers is for the homemade buns.

  3. oh i think the egg mistake is a good one. i mean did it make it taste nice and savory-like? i love big buns. LOL

  4. Dawn- they were very good. I really enjoyed them- they were light and airy and really good for absorbing juicy meat. And then go figure I didnt put meat ont hem at all.

  5. i like big buns...for my burgers. i also think your black bean burger itself looks fantastic--i'll be looking forward to that post!

  6. I've been looking for a good bun recipe - going to try this over the weekend. :)

  7. I could live on bread, so big buns sound right up my alley! These look fab!

  8. Boy, these look good, Lori. I've bookmarked the recipe and want to give it a try. I've been using Moomies recipe, but yours sounds delicious, too. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  9. I've always wanted to make burger buns! YES!


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