
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Wicked Easy Hot Pockets

I like to go blog hopping.  I look at someone's blog and click on one of their favorites or click on a link to a commenter and I discover new blogs.  It's addicting really.  Like garage sailing- you just never know whats around the bend.  Could be a great recipe or a cute craft with a great tutorial.  Recently, I found a blog called Get Off Your Butt and Bake that I found on Ingrid's blog list at Baseball Baking and Books.  It just so happened I found her blog on April Fool's Day.  The post was about how she was going to take the blog private.  I remember when La Dolce Vita went private... so sad and I miss Marianne and her wonderful stories and recipes.  I decided to peruse her entire site, looking for recipes that looked like they would be good for my family.

Boy, did I find a good one!  Her recipe is for Hot Pockets. They whip up so fast, they are so easy and in no time you can have hot pockets that beat the pants off the commercially available ones.  We so loved these that they will be a regular in this house both for savory and sweet applications.

Wicked Easy Hot Pockets
slightly adapted from this recipe

2 cups (125 grams) all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 pound (one stick) cold butter
2/3 cup buttermilk

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. Spray or oil a baking sheet. In a food processor or a large bowl measure out flour.  Add the baking powder, baking soda and salt to the flour and combine thoroughly.  Slice the cold butter into the flour mixture. Cut in the butter to the flour mixture.If youare using a food processor do quick pulses until you have a coarse crumb texture.

Pour in the buttermilk.  In the processor let it whirl until the dough forms a ball. If doing the dough in a bowl stir until moistened and knead a few times to make a smooth dough.

Roll the dough to a thickness of 3/8-inch. Cut into circles or rectangles.  press out he dough a little with your finger tips around the edges because you will be doubling up the thickness there.  Place your meat, cheese, filling on the dough being careful not to get it near the edges.  If there is any filling on the edges it will be difficult to seal.  Once you have placed your filling on the dough, press another piece of dough the same size over top and press with a fork to seal the edges.

Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden.


  1. I love making homemade hot pockets, they were perfect for taking to lunch when I worked out of the house. I make them even easier with store bought crust...

  2. WOW! This recipe looks easy to follow and very delicious too!

  3. Your wicked easy wicked hot pockets sound and look to die for. Thanks for sharing with us, Lori.

  4. and these look way better than that junk in the frozen section or as my hubby calls them "snot pockets". nicely done these must try a sweet version.

  5. My son was just complaining about how hot pockets taste a little like cardboard. I think I'll surprise him with some homemade ones.

  6. i can't think about hot pockets without recalling jim gaffigan's stand-up routine--have you seen it? he's hilarious. these are nicely done, lori!

  7. looks delicious! i have never made hot pockets at home but now I am tempted..

  8. What fun! I've never even had hot pockets before, but now I'm seriously tempting to try making a vegan version.

  9. These look great. I will have to try making them. I will have to do everything with my two bare hands though.
    I finally have some time to go through food blogs again, but have found that the part on my google account that shows me new posts have been made is malfunctioning. In fact it tells me I'm not following any blogs which is not true!

  10. acencipMy kiddos don't eat those hot pock thingies but they'd so eat these homemade ones.

    She's got some over the top yummy stuff, doesn't she?! Btw, thanks for the shout out!

  11. Lori

    Funny, I never thought of actually making hotpockets! This is great, like pie in a pocket form!

  12. I've never thought about making my own hot pockets. Great idea!

  13. Lori, it was an April Fool's joke; I went to her site and it's still public.

    These hot pockets look absolutely delicious. I was thinking of making a calzone, but this looks much much easier and better! A terrific find, Lori. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  14. Hi Lori, I made these and will be "publishing" probably this coming Wednesday and I will be crediting you. These were "wicked" good!! A definite keeper. Thanks again!

  15. She did have some great recipes and her hot pockets look great. I missed the deadline too bad and I even had some of her recipes bookmarked. Did she ever say why she was going private?

    Also your bi bim bop looks great. I was just asking one of my Korean students the other day if she knew how to make it. She did not but I do now! Thanks for posting it I will have to try it out.

  16. Ha ha ok the joke is on me!! Shwew! It WAS just a joke- she is pure evil!! I needed that good laugh.


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