
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pineapple and Prizes

Yup. I spaced the giveaway announcement.  You see I had it in my head that I would announce the winners today. So here I am today and after reading my post I realized I was suppose to announce the winners a couple days ago.  Without further ado, the winner is... drumroll... Dana! Dana, please contact me with your address, etc. so I can mail out your prize.

Now, about that picture above.  That is pineapple preserves.  Living in NY I would have to say that pineapples are not a local crop.  They are however a good buy at my local supermarket.  All the way from Costa Rica, these pineapples were big, sweet, juicy and cheap.  I bought several and decided to make some pineapple preserves and the rest of them we ate straight up enjoying every delicious morsel.  Thank you to the pineapple people in Costa Rica- we honor your hard work!

I used every component of that pineapple by the way- the skin and the core.  I will show you in a few days what I did with that.

Pineapple Preserves

4 pounds pineapple, skinned, cored, and chopped
6 cups sugar

Combine the sugar and pineapple in a large stock pot.  Cook, stirring frequently, until it thickens.  This will take quite some time.  See below for how to test it.  Once completed pour into sterilized jars, seal and cold pack for about fifteen minutes.

You can use canned pineapple for this recipe as well.

To test for proper gel set:

Place a dish in the freezer when you start the process.  When you feel the mixture is thick enough place about a teaspoon of the preserves on the plate and tip it.  If it runs it is not thick enough and will nto set properly.  If it gels almost instantly then it is thick enough.  

What can you do with the jar of preserves?

Make sweet and sour sauce.
Slather it on bread of course.
Use in baking recipes that call for jam.
Use it for roasting chicken.
Eat it with ham.
on an on it goes.

Update see post on 5/1/2014.


  1. excellent. these are so versatile--i can see myself using them in all the ways you've listed and more...including eating them as a little snack straight from the jar... :)

  2. Pineapple preserves, what a treat! I can imagine how those bright flavors would really perk up a piece of toast, or muffin, or fruit tart, or... ;)

  3. Wow, they must take a long time to gel with no pectin but I bet its worth it.

  4. Your preserves look wonderful, Lori. I love to use pineapple in pepper jelly. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  5. I am always amazed when you make fruit preserves. I wish I were your neighbor so we could swap things. Questions is...what could I make that I could swap with your preserves? ;)

  6. And on and on! :)

    Congrats, Dana!

  7. LOve making preserves and jam at home, but never made any with pineapple. Now that I've seen yours, I shall.

    Never tried using pineapple in sweet and sour sauce either.


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