
Monday, May 3, 2010

Welcome Spring

I just had to share a little spring time beauty in Rochester.  We had a wonderful, fragrant walk in the park last Friday at Highland Park.  The lilac festival is the largest festival of its kind in North America and draws spectators from all over the globe.  The park is brimming with people who have been cooped up for the winter just dying to get out and enjoy some fresh air and take in the beauty of Spring.  It doesn't even matter that most of the time you are freezing because the weather is not exactly balmy yet.  This year, however, has been one of the most loveliest Springs I can remember.

Come on now, walk with me a little.


  1. I've been to Rochester before, that was about 8 years ago during autumn.
    Must visit this beautiful place again in spring.

  2. Looks like a great way to spend the day!

  3. This is so lovely. It's so fun to see how people in other parts of the country see spring!

  4. Lovely photos...were those your sweet girls in that one photo?


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