
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gluten Free Brownies

I was the lucky winner of some GF Flour from King Arthur Flour from Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day!  Wahoo.  I love winning.  I know, who doesn't, right? Thank you!

I have been wanting to make some gluten free brownies for a while.  Since we were going to visit my Aunt who was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a long time ago, I thought I'd make them and give them to her.  Okay, I admit, not without having one or two myself.  The verdict:  delicious.  No graininess, no peculiar texture- just honest to goodness, tasty, fudgy, homespun brownies. I WILL make them again.

King Arthur's Gluten Free Brownies
Adapted from this original recipe is here.

1 1/2 cups sugar or superfine sugar, if you have it
1/2 cup butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup (2 1/2 ounces) Dutch-process cocoa or natural cocoa
3 large eggs
3/4 cup King Arthur Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour or brown rice flour blend*
1 teaspoon baking powder

1) Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease an 8" square pan at least 2" deep.
2) Place the sugar, butter, and salt in a microwave-safe bowl or saucepan. Heat over medium heat, stirring with a heatproof spatula until the butter melts and the mixture lightens in color. 
3) If you've heated the sugar and butter in a saucepan, transfer the mixture to a bowl; otherwise, just leave the hot ingredients right in their microwave-safe bowl; or transfer them to your stand mixer bowl. Blend in the vanilla and cocoa, then add the eggs and mix until shiny.
4) Blend in the flour or flour blend and the baking powder. 
5) Pour the batter into the prepared pan, spreading it to the edges.
6) Bake the brownies for 33 to 38 minutes, until the top is set; and a cake tester or toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean or nearly so, with perhaps a few wet crumbs, or a tiny touch of chocolate at the tip of the tester.
7) Remove from the oven and cool for about 15 minutes before cutting. Cool completely if you want a clean cut.

Brown Rice Flour Blend
Make your own if you dont want to buy the specialized product.

"Whisk together 6 cups (32 ounces) King Arthur stabilized brown rice flour; 2 cups (10 3/4 ounces) potato starch; and 1 cup (4 ounces) tapioca flour or tapioca starch. Store airtight at room temperature. Note: You can substitute white rice flour for the brown rice flour if you like; it'll make your baked goods grittier (unless you manage to find a finely ground version)."  King Arthur Flour

I was not paid to say any of this by King Arthur. I just happen to think King Arthur makes a great product.


  1. Congrats on your win! The brownies look good and moist.

  2. I am loving this gf brownies Lori. Worth trying the recipe :)

  3. I've never cooked gluten free, its nice to know you can still get a good tasty brownie!

  4. I've never tried any gluten free baked goods. It's would be interesting to do a side by side test of flavor.

    Congrats on winning!

  5. Congratulations! Your recipe sounds terrific. I've filed the recipe for a friend who requires gluten free foods when she visits. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. I'm a huge KAF fan, too, using their products almost exclusively for my baking needs...course it helps they are within driving distance of where I live, grins.

    Always wondered about the gluten free stuff and how it tasted and the texture. Thanks for your review!

  7. i'm glad the gluten-freers among us can also enjoy some dense and delicious brownies! these look tremendous, lori--great way to use your loot!

  8. Yes, congratulations on winning! And all of thank you for mentioning us and our products on your blog. Our G-F products were officially launched just a few months ago. Susan G.and Andrea in our test kitchen worked on these G-F recipes and mixes for close to 3 years! Enjoy taking a look at our site. We now have 38 G-F recipes online. EFB @ KAF


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