
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Moist For Days Cornbread

I think I probably have made some corn bread on this blog before and you might be thinking why make another.  The reason why is that this particular version of cornbread should be called, "Moist for Days Cornbread" (not that it would necessarily last that long). The name really says it all.

We enjoyed this cornbread with pulled pork that I bought from the Dinosaur Barbeque, along with some cole slaw, corn on the cob and baked beans (what a feast).  A delicious Southern style meal that just can't be beat.  Sure to please.

Moist for Days Cornbread
Recipe adapted from one of those handy little recipe books that are usually found by the cash registers.  This one is called, The Work Basket, February 1982.

1 can creamstyle corn
1 cup or 8 ounces sour cream
1 cup self rising cornmeal
1/2 cup corn oil
2 eggs

Mix all ingredients thoroughly.  Pour into hot greased skillet,  Bake for 45 minutes at 400F.


  1. Oh, it has sour cream in it, I bet that is fantastic!

  2. The title itself sells the cornbread recipe. I have had some pretty darned dry cornbread in my past. Looks delicious!

  3. oh lori that looks so good. i could just fry that up with some butter and honey.
    don't you love self rising cornmeal? i made corn dogs with them...on my blog somewhere.

  4. looks moist for sure! i like the sour cream addition too.

  5. simplicity itself. i love the ingredient short-list and the fact that sugar is nowhere to be found. :)

  6. Looks amazing! I love that it will be moist. Wondering if I could swap the sour cream for low fat know...watching calories :)

  7. Brittany- I think the yogurt would work fine. It really seems to substitute well.

  8. Hello, friend! I've missed visiting you. Hope all has been well. Gonna catch up with you & the blog.

    I haven't had corn bread in ages. I think since before I had children.

  9. That looks like incredible cornbread! Must try!

  10. I love Junior League and church or old time cookbooks from little hole in the wall places. They have the best recipes!

  11. This looks delicious, and I love that it's naturally gluten-free.


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