
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pear and Candied Pomegranate Walnuts

Candied walnuts are all the rage in salads now.  I love them but, dang, they are a bit pricey.  After the folks at POM sent me some concentrate I began thinking that candied pomegranate flavored walnuts would be delicious.

I mixed up my concoction and hoped for the best.  I have to say I am very please with the results.  The tricky part of the recipe is to not overcook as the sugar in the mixture can burn.  Even though you may pull them out of the oven and they are a bit wet, they will dry as they cool.

Pomegranate Candied Walnuts

1 cup sugar
6 cups walnuts
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 cup POMegranate concentrate

Toast the walnuts at 375F until lightly golden.  Remove from heat and combine with salt sugar and concentrate in a large mixing bowl.  Reduce the oven to 300F.  Pour nuts out on a parchment lined baking sheet.  Spread them out as evenly as possible.  Bake for about ten minutes.  You need to keep an eye on them so they do not burn.  Remove from oven and leave ont he pan until cooled. Store in an airtight jar.

Full Disclosure:  I did not purchase this POM Pomegranate Concentrate.  The folks at POM sent it to me in exchange for some recipe experimentation.  I gladly agreed.


  1. I wish pears were avaliable right now! I've had a salad really similar to this in Singapore and I'm so keen to taste this recipe

  2. *singing* I can see clearly now the rain is gone :) Wow, that is one tasty looking salad. I love the idea of candied pomegranate walnuts, so clever! I wish I could taste, although I have no doubt they're delicious.

  3. Brittany- I actually used my canned pears. Canning pears is very easy. I try to buy in season too.

  4. Hello Lori,

    Thanks for stopping by and visit. I am sorry but not coming to visit your blog as often as I would like to leave a comment but I do receive your post and enjoy them.

    I am kind of having cabin fever lately.


  5. what an absolute stroke of genius! i'll bet these were absolutely delicious! bonus--you could package 'em and sell 'em for exorbitant prices!


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