
Monday, February 21, 2011

Waffle Iron Gets A New Life

I am not a big fan of Rachel Ray.  She is okay.  I will watch her show on occassion.  And once in a while I will find some really useful information.  Such was the case the other day.  She told her audience that she had been playing with her waffle iron trying to come up with some useful ways to use it besides just waffles.  Wouldn't that be awesome for your waffle iron to have a dual purpose?  She got me to stay tuned. 

So what did she do?  She put pizza dough in the waffle iron.  Genius, I must say.  It just so happened I had some little balls of naan dough in the fridge.  I oiled them with olive oil and then sprinkled some of my Tuscan seasoning mix and a little salt on them .  I popped them in the waffle maker and voila, some seriously good flat bread.  Four minutes was all it took.  These are what I call dangerously delicious.

Try it, You will like it!

I have made naan before but wanted to try this recipe.  I have to say I find this one to be superior to the other one.  Not that the other one is bad but I find this one to be more tender.


1 package dry yeast or 2 1/4 teaspoon yeast (I buy mine in bulk)
1 cup warm water (you can stick your finger in for 15 seconds and not feel like it is burning)
1/4 cup sugar
3 tablespoons milk
1 egg, beaten
2 teaspoons salt
4 1/2 cups flour
1/4 cup melted butter

Proof your yeast by disolving the yeast in warm water.  Let stand ten minutes until frothy.  ( I read one time that with modern yeast this is pretty unnecessary,  I have to say its been over two years since I have proofed my yeast.)  Stir in sugar, milk, salt, egg and the flour.  Knead for six to eight minutes.  Place dough in an oiled bowl, cover and let rise for about an hour.

Make small dough balls, place on tray, cover and let rise again for about 30 minutes.

Roll out the dough and either place on a buttered, hot griddle or use the method above, the waffle iron.  If using the griddle.  Turn after the first side becomes browned.  Heat on other side until lightly browned.  The second side will be much faster than the first. Place in a paper bag, folding the top of the bag down, until you have grilled all of them. Placing them in the paper bag helps to keep them warm and tender.

If you use the waffle iron.  Roll out the naan and lightly oil the surface.  Sprinkle seasoning on them if you like. Place in waffle iron for about four minutes.  I like mine a little more tender so I did about 3 minutes.  You will have to play with the time for your griddle and how you like your naan.


  1. I'm not a big fan of hers either ... but this seems like it's worth a try.

  2. This is a fantastic idea! Now I can't wait to try it.

  3. This sounds really interesting. I'll have to pass this information on to my sister who has a waffle iron. Thanks for sharing!

  4. This is a great idea! Looks yummy!

  5. Amen! with the comment about Rachel Ray. Great idea of placing the Naan dough in the waffle maker. Know, you got me thinking in what else could be cooked in there. Only think is that I do not have a waffle maker. :)

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  6. naaffles! you made naaffles! :)

  7. Genius idea! I love naan, thank-you.

  8. That is a really fantastic. I knew this how to cook dinner with the waffle but this can be so amazing, You have made a really nice ingredient with the waffle maker. My goal is to try this in your house or No later than this tell my lady to prepare the formula the you get it. I merely loved often the pics as shared preceding.
    See here

  9. Excellent and very exciting site. Love to watch. Keep Rocking. Best Waffle Makers

  10. Preparing those delicious waffles over the commercial waffle maker gives a completely new experience, especially the Belgian ones. The so called waffles iron maker was discovered by Dutch pilgrims in 1620 for the Americans. Find more at this website.


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