
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wheat Berry and Pomegranate Salad

A few years ago it was very difficult to find Pomegranate Molasses.  In general people didn't even know what it was.  I would ask people about it but no one had heard of it.  I know if I had asked someone who's origins were of the Middle East, they would definitely have known what it was as it is used in Middle Eastern cuisine.  So, last year, I boiled down my pomegranate juice.  It took a painstakingly long time. Of course the final product was worth it but it took precious time and attention.  

Now, the good people at POM* have come out with Pomegranate concentrate.  Wahoo.  Easy to find as POM seems to be everywhere.  Convenient.  No boiling needed.  What could be simpler?

If you are familiar with wheat berries than you probably understand how awesome they are.  Packed with nutritional benefits, they are also tasty and nutty! I know this salad would be even more awesome with fresh vegetables.  Standing alone it is also quite delicious.

Stay tuned for more pomegranate recipes this week.

Wheat Berry and Pomegranate Salad

1 cup of wheat berries
3 cups water
1 teaspoon kosher salt or to taste
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons POMegranate concentrate
4 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup pistachios

Boil wheat berries in water for about 45 minutes.   Add in salt towards the end of the cooking process. Let site covered for about 15 minutes.  Meanwhile in another bowl combine POM concentrate, olive oil and green onions.  Pour the wheat berries into the mixture and stir.  Sprinkle pistachios over top. Serve warm or cold.

*Full Disclosure:  The people at POM have graciously given me a bottle of POMegranate concentrate to review. No other compensation provided.


  1. That looks wonderful! You make the best food.

    kathleen xx

  2. What a deliciously healthy salad! Thankfully there's a good middle eastern store near me that sells pomegranate molasses. If you ever want, I can send you a bottle!

  3. What gorgeous healthy meal, I have some left over wheat berries...this might be were they end up.

  4. What could be harmful about pomegranate molasses making its way onto our tables? Some politicians have attacked multiculturalism saying it drives terrorism and extremism, but I say multiculturalism promotes good cuisine! Your salad looks perfect by the way. :)

  5. Murasaki- I think the statement that the politicians make about multiculturism is fear driven. I feel the more we know and understand about other cultures the more we will come to tolerate our differences. But I guess that is my view. And yes- I totally think it promotes good cuisine.


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