
Monday, April 4, 2011

Moroccan Calamari

Here is one of the reasons that I love the internet. If you have an ingredient or two- you just plug them into the search engine and you are rewarded with a plethora ( I always look for opportunities to use that word) of recipes.  I usually take a handful and combine them to make my own creation.  Armed with a package if calamari (that I did not want to fry) I began my search.  Lo and behold I came across this recipe for Moroccan Calamari by this girl at her site.  WOW.  Like wow.  SO good.  I never thought I would like calamari in sauce.  It is one of my husbands favorites from growing up.  Me, I have never been a fan of tomatoes with seafood. Thank you for this awesome recipe

Slightly adapted from this recipe here at Cooking With Alia

2.5 pounds of calamari (squid) - cut into rings
1 cup onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup of finely chopped parsley
1 quart of tomato sauce (16 oz)
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of pepper
2 teaspoons of paprika

Saute onion in oil until translucent.  Add garlic cook one minute more.  Add the rest of the ingredients besides the squid.  Cook for about five minutes covered.  Add calamari and cook uncovered at a slow simmer for about an hour.  Serve with crusty bread or pasta.  Delicious!


  1. What an interesting dish, I always worry about calamari being rubbery

  2. I love calamari and this is such a nice alternative to frying it.

  3. What a fantastic way to prepare and serve calamari, one I've never seen before! This is definitely a bookmark - LOVE Morrocan cuisine. Looks so rich and delicious, Lori!

  4. You know what? I don't often like calamari recipes...but this one looks absolutely delicious! My family would go nuts over this. Truly Lori, I'm being genuine, this looks great.

  5. You know, I took one look at this dish and thought "calamari pasta!!" Big pasta loops instead of seafood would make this a fantastic vegan side dish- Thanks for the inspiration!


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