
Monday, May 9, 2011

Cooking Korean: Black Soy Beans

So yesterday was Mother's Day.  I said I wasn't going to cook.  I was going to make something ahead of time.  Not bother too much.  But I couldn't help myself  To be honest, I was so jazzed about making a meal I have been wanting to make for a long time.  A meal that for one reason or another I felt intimidated by.  And of course once you do what has been intimidating you, you feel so less, well, intimidated.  To be sure this meal is fairly easy peasy.  Many things can be made in advance.  If you have never tried Korean and want to try it, you may be enchanted by the the taste of everything- pickled vegetables and marinaded meats.  The only things you may need to get for your pantry to make Korean is sesame oil and soy sauce. Think pickled things.  Think the basics of soy sauce, garlic and green onions as your flavor boosters.

My step nephew just recently moved to S. Korea.  I follow along on his blog to see what he's doing and watch him discover Korea.  I am kind of living vicariously through him.  I don't know if he is hip with Korean food yet.  I sure am.  I hope he gives it a go.  My guess is that he would totally love bulgogi.  A favorite with most people.  I thought of him today while I whipped up the sides, wondering if he had tried any of them.,

So for the next six or seven posts I will be featuring the components of today's dinner. 

Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day.

Sweet Black Soy Beans ( Kongjaban)
adapted from this recipe at

2 cups black soy beans, washed
2 cups water
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons sesame oil

In a saucepan combine black beans and water.  Bring to a boil and then reduce heat so that mixture simmers. Simmer for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes add soy sauce and sugar.  Cook 10 to 15 minutes more.  Remove from heat and let cool.  Do not drain.  Keep beans in liquid to keep them hydrated.

*I had to double the recipe as my husband always hogs them all at the restaurant.  Yes, honey, I have to hurry and grab what I want before you scarf it all down.


  1. Oh, how interesting- Here I thought that this was just a Japanese thing! Very cool that sweet black soybeans are more widespread... I'll have to finally give it a go soon, since I've been holding onto some black soybeans for ages now.

  2. Oh bittersweetblog, I know just what you mean. I think I have had these black soy beans for the better part of three years. Good thing beans are so durable.

  3. This looks very good, I ight have to try these flavors.

  4. Sweet soy beans sounds intriguing. I love Koren BBQ and Bulgogi, but I don't have much other experience with Koren foods.

  5. so you just eat this plain or with rice? Hmmm very interesting. Love that they are a bit sweet.

  6. So interesting, I love how it looks but have never heard of or had these


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