
Sunday, May 22, 2011

A nugget of success!

I buy chicken nuggets, dinosaurs, rounds, whatever you want to call them once in a while for my children.  It is a special treat for them and me because its easy to prepare but I dont really like to buy them.  If you know anything about me from reading my blog, you probably already know that I buy a minimal amount of precooked food.  I like to know what is in my food.  I like to control the amount of sugar or salt, make choices about them as I go along.  Now, nuggets are one thing that have bothered me for a long time.  I have attempted to replicate them many times and have been unsuccessful by way of taste and/or texture.  Until now.  Yes!  Happy dance.  These not only have a great taste and texture they are even better than the nuggets you buy but hauntingly close nonetheless.  Try them.  Let me know what you think.

Lipsmacking Goodness Chicken Nuggets

12 ounces chicken breast
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon onion powder
a packet of Ramen Noodle seasoning*
1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 egg + 1 tabelspoon water
1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs

Using a pair of kitchen shears, cut chicken into pieces about the size of peas.  Do not use a processor- it will change the texture dramatically. Mix the chicken, cornstarch and seasonings together and form little patties.  Place on a tray or cookie sheet and refrigerate for an hour.  Remove from the sheet and dip in egg wash and then into bread crumbs.  Place back on tray until you have them all ready.  Heat a large skillet and add a tablespoon of canola oil.  Place as many nuggets on the skillet as you can without over crowding.  They won't cook too well if they are smooshed in together.
If you are not a vegetarian, I suspect you want to bite this!
* I know you saw Ramen Noodle seasoning packet and you said to yourself,  "hey that completely flies in the face of what she just said about prepackaged foods."  Here is the deal, first of all I love Ramen-  they are so bad but oh, so good.  Secondly, whenever I make Ramen, I use half of a packet to season the noodles.  That is where I control the salt.  The other half of the packet I use the next time I make them.  I end up with packets laying around which I usually use in soups.


  1. Lori, I haven't had ramen noodles in eons, I swear, just because of the salt thing, but this is a terrific way to use that pesky half packet. I am going to add ramen noodles to the grocery list, because we LOVE chicken nuggets here. I am loathe to buy them frozen or at the fast food place. So much STUFF in them. These sound deeeeelish!!

  2. lovely idea to make it from scratch super healthy and tasty

  3. homemade chicken nugeets are always welcomed in our home, thanks for the idea with the ramen packet!!


  4. so glad to find your blog! and I'm glad to see the list of Korean recipes you've recently done. I had Korean BBQ for the first time two weeks ago and have been dreaming of it ever since. This is such great inspiration, to find your kitchen adventures. Thank you :)

  5. Ramen noodle seasoning, who would have thought?!

  6. How resourceful you were, to think of the ramen packets. We have never known what to do with them either. I will have to try your recipe, I bet my little Fidget will delight in them, since we never take her to McDonalds. Maybe she won't feel like a poor deprived kid any longer. thanks!

  7. These look really good, actually to good to be called chicken nuggets.

  8. I made this last night for dinner and can I say WOW. My kids are unbelievably picky, but once I placed this on the table it was silent practically the whole way through dinner. They were fresh, crispy, tasty, and satisfying to say the least. We dipped them in honey mustard sauce that was just two parts mustard one part honey. Such a delicious dinner, not to mention healthy and versatile. It's earned a spot in my sparse recipe box, and it will be made again!

    To make it quicker we placed the nuggets in the freezer for around 20 minutes, still turned out amazing!

  9. milan.emma- thank you so much. THat is one great compliment- you made them and liked them. I love that your kids gave it the approval too! Thanks so much for telling me.


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