
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tortellini Salad

It's summer. A time for being out in the sunshine, walking the dog, playing catch, swinging on a swing, swimming in a pool or lake or ocean, drinking lemonade, sitting on the porch, picking fresh fruit at the farm.  Summer is about so many things.  We try and  do as much as we can while the days are long and the temperature is right. It's no wonder that summer slips away so fast.  So much to do.

We went to Stony Brook Park which is in Dansville, NY. A beautiful place, lots of trails and waterfalls.  The signs said no swimming but tell that to the 100's of people that were walking in the creek and standing under the waterfall.  So wonderfully refreshing standing under the waterfall.  Fresh, spring fed water pouring down on you.  Lovely!
The rocks are slippery so you have to super careful.  It is worth the risk though.  The air was 98 degrees F that day and the water was probably around 75F. 
You wouldn't know it from this photo but there were so many people standing under this later in the day.  Dogs too.  Our dog, Caina, was not exactly thrilled about swimming.  It was her first time in the water.  She seemed so shocked when she felt her weightlessness for the first time.  She looked like she was in a state of panic.  Every time we would head toward the falls, she would turn around with her doggy paddle and head the other way.
Peaceful, eh?

Well, summer, is also a time for salad.  Light and refreshing.  Real nice at the close of a really hot day.

Chicken Tortellini Salad
Recipe adapted from this recipe from Southern Living, June 2011

2 (9-oz.) packages refrigerated cheese-filled tortellini
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
2 cups chopped cooked chicken I used thigh meat)
1 cup frozen sweet peas, thawed
1/2 cup thinly sliced green onions
1/2 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Salt and pepper to taste

Prepare tortellini according to package directions.  Combine olive oil and next 4 ingredients in a blender until smooth. Stir into tortellini, chicken, and next 3 ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful day and a beautiful and delicious tortellini salad. Love that there's chicken in it. You so seldom see meat in pasta salads, yet it's so needed most of the time!


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