
Monday, October 24, 2011

Puffed Caramel Popcorn

In the Fall, every year, since I was a child, we join my parents and their friends with their families for a picnic.  We use to have clams and corn etc, the typical clam bake.  But with the cost of clams having skyrocketed, they have long since been out of the picture.  We all bring a dish to pass and some takes over for making a traditional chicken gizzard soup and brings the corn.  Everything else, everyone brings.

One of the ladies usually brings this dish, puffed caramel corn. It disappears in no time. It's the sweet with the salty that makes it so darn appealing and addicting.  I decided to take it on retreat this past weekend.  If you want to know more about that, click here for my Crafty Bee's Knees blog post.  It was a hit.  So here is the recipe ladies for anyone clicking in from retreat.

Puffed Caramel Popcorn
Adapted from this recipe on Allrecipes

8 cups puffed corn or popcorn
4 cups square rice cereal
2 cups pretzels
1 cup peanut
1 cup brown sugar
1 stick unsalted butter
1/4 cup corn syrup
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

Preheat oven to 300F.  Prepare a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

In a large metal or glass bowl stir together popcorn or puffed corn, rice cereal, pretzels and peanuts.  Set aside.

In a saucepan, melt together brown sugar, corn syrup, butter and pinch of salt (if you use salted butter don't bother putting in the pinch of salt). Let it boil for five minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add vanilla and baking soda.  It will bubble up but don't be afraid, keep stirring and it will not go over the sides of the pan.

Pour the melted mixture over the bowl of snack mix.  Toss to coat.  Pour mixture onto the prepared baking sheet.  Bake for 8 minutes, remove from oven to stir.  Return to oven for seven minutes more.  Remove and cool on a rack.  Break up pieces and enjoy.


  1. I would have to make 2 batches,one for me and one for everyone else!

  2. nice blend, lori! this is definitely something i could munch on for a few hours at a time. :)


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