
Friday, May 18, 2012


Growing up my family would host family reunions at our house.  My Mom pretty much would do all the cooking.  We had family in from all around.  Ohio, Virginia, Arizona...  People slept in tents in our backyard, and all around our house.  The kids would sleep in the living room, just a pile of us on the floor.  No one cared- it was all a lot of fun.
One of the things my Mom always made for these events was a couple slabs of pie.  She didn't do the lattice thing but rather a smooth top. Inside was the latest fresh fruit filling.  Whatever was in season.  Usually peaches or cherries because these reunions would inevitable take place in July.

I have the recipe and really must locate it.  In the mean time in the latest issue of Taste Of Home I saw a recipe for slab pie.  But I forgot where I put it and ended up doing a search online and found this recipe.

Its a winner of a recipe. Very delicious and even though I accidentally did not get the butter properly mixed- had to over mix a bit- it still came out tender and delicious.  I did make a few changes to the recipe which you will see below.

Make this.  It truly is a joy.  Goes super with a cup of tea or coffee.

While my lattice does not exactly look perfect- it's rustic and I love it.  One of my first times doing it.

Slab Pie
Adapted from Sprinkle Bakes version, adapted from Taste of Homes Baking Book.

3 cups all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
4 ounces cold butter
4 ounces lard (I never use vegetable shortening- I prefer the real stuff)
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 can of raspberry pie filling

In the bowl of a food processor, combine the flour, sugar baking powder and salt; add butter and lard in pieces. Process until it resembles coarse meal- this should be quick.  In a separate bowl combine the eggs and vanilla; add to processor and blend until a dough-ball forms.

Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate half of the dough for at least 45 minutes.

After dough chills, roll out half of dough and lay in an ungreased 15-x10-inch baking sheet. Spread pie filling over it.  Roll out remaining half and place over filling or you can make a lattice top by cutting in strips and laying over top of filling, pinching the edges as you go.

Bake for 30-35 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool. Cut into bars.


  1. I love your new layout and this pie!

  2. Your Lattice looks perfectly delicious. Great job....I love it:)

  3. more pie = always a good thing. i love your lattice!


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