
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Turkey Reuben

Couldn't you just lick the screen?  Alright, only people like me lick my screen... kidding people!  I did however want to lick my sandwich- and being the Miss Manners that I am (eh-hem), I didn't even do that. But really, I could of.

With some Ohio Swiss from the Amish store and some turkey cold cuts, some Boars Head sauer kraut (a really great brand of sauer kraut by the way- no one told me to say that) and some homemade 1000 Island dressing- I was good to go.  But no, wait... I had no rye and no money to buy rye... Fortunately for me, it was a cool day, I had some rye flour and I was in the mood for making bread.  Mainly because I was so jazzed about having this sandwich.

So how do you make a reuben?

First, I squeeze out the sauer kraut and then fry it in a pan to get some of the liquid out.  I don't fry it until it's super dry because for this kind of sandwich I like the sourness.

I mix together some quick and easy 1000 Island dressing- ketchup, mayo and sweet relish- dang that's good.

I lay one slice of bread on a baking sheet, put sauer kraut, then turkey, then cheese.  I lay a second slice by its side.  I place it under the broiler until the cheese is nice and toasted and melting all over (slurp).

After it comes out into my plate, I put a little a lot of 1000 Island dressing on the plain slice of bread, then smack it all together.  Voila, drool worthy sandwich.

About that rye... I am going to tell you more about it on my next post.

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