
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Peach Soft Serve Ice Cream

Just had some delicious peach ice cream and wanted to share this easy peasy recipe with you.  I have posted before about banana ice cream and this is the same idea.  All you need is a food processor and the ingredients and you are good to go.  No ice cream maker required.

Peach Ice Cream 

1 peach chopped and frozen
1/2 banana chopped and frozen
1 cup milk (if you are lactose intolerant you can substitute whatever you like - coconut milk, soy, almond- whatever)

Place the frozen pieces of peaches in the food processor and run it.  Chopping blending until it is fairly smooth.  Once you place the milk in it will be hard to get the lumps out.  Make sure the lumps are adequately broken up before you add the milk.  Pour it in and in no time you will have soft serve deliciousness.

200 calories-  a peach about 40, half of a banana 50, milk about 110.  There is over a cup of "ice cream" here.  I so would make it again.

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