
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Chicken Korma

I read a lot of blogs out there. Some people have a knack for writing personal thoughts on things. I have wanted to write personal or deep thoughts so many times but have failed each time.  Sometimes I write it al out and then immediately delete it all out.  Does it go with my blog?  Will people not care for what I write?  How do I even start to write something personal or deep? Does it have anything to do with food?

I prepared this dish when my brother was in town.  He was here for my Dad who was just recently diagnosed with cancer in the beginning of September.  He died last week, on Thursday and we buried him Monday.  My Dad was 87, had a good long life with lots of wonderful memories. He was a very social guy, he never met a stranger.  People naturally liked my Dad.  He was a talker, sometimes a little too much talk, ahem.  He liked to goof around, mainly with the younger set.  Anything to get them to laugh.  He would put silly hats on and roll his eyes in some goofy way.  I can see it right now in my minds eye.

My Dad was quite the looker in his younger day.  He dressed well, he just loved clothes. He was meticulous with how he dressed.  He was meticulous with a lot of things, such as woodworking.  My Dad took a long time to make something but when he did, it was perfection.  He was an all around handyman, could always think up ways to make things work if they broke down.

He was a hard working, entrepreneur who started his own business and supported our family for quite a while on that income.  He was able to save for his retirement to live a nice, simple life.

Farewell Dad, until we meet again.  I will remember you with love in my heart.

Chicken Korma
This is a delicious meal that comes together pretty easily.  The hardest part is sweating the onions.

1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinned chicken breasts
1 ounce yogurt
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
2 large onions
4 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon freshly ground ginger
12 cardamom pods, seeds crushed
1 tablespoon cumin
1 tab;espoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1 bay leaf
4 whole cloves
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
small pinch saffron
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
3 tablespoons heavy cream
fresh cilantro for garnish

1.  Cut chicken into bite sized pieces, season with salt and pepper and then stir in yogurt.  Set aside.

2.  Saute onions in oil until translucent.  Add in garlic and finger, cook one minute more.  Cover, cook for 15 minutes.  Stir frequently.

3. When onions are softened add in cardamom, cumin, coriander, turmeric chili powder and bay leaf.
4.  Pinch of ends of cloves and add to the mix.  Discard stalks.  Cook for five minutes more stirring constantly.

5.  Stir in flour, saffron, sugar and salt.  Add 1 cup water.

6.  Bring to a simmer cover and cook for 10 minutes.  Remove bay leaf.  Blend mixture.

7.  Add chicken to the pot.  Heat until chicken is cooked through.

8.  Serve with a sprinkling of cilantro (I didnt have any, bummer), on a bed of rice.


  1. Your Dad would love this. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs and blessings...Mary


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