
Sunday, April 27, 2008


A friend of mine was just diagnosed with breast cancer. In a few days she will be having a mastectomy. This is the fourth woman I have known that has had breast cancer. WAY, WAY, WAY too many people. The great news is that two of the people I know have survived. They kicked cancer's butt. My Mother in law, who had a very fast moving type of breast cancer, fought hard for three years. I am crying as I write this as she was one of the most loving people I have ever known. It is just recently the anniversary of her death.

I know that my friend will kick this cancer. I decided to give her a treat before all of the chaos begins. I give her these pink macarons as it is the "color" for breast cancer. I give her macarons because they are a special treat and she is a special treat.

(the macaron recipe is from Veronica's Test Kitchen)

  • 125 grams almond flour
  • 225 grams powdered sugar
  • 100 grams egg whites
  • 25 grams sugar

Preheat oven to 300 °F (I used 310°F to compensate for opening and closing the oven door). Run the almond flour and powdered sugar through a food processor and sift twice. Add the cream of tartar to the egg whites and beat at medium speed. Slowly add the granulated sugar and continue beating until the whites attain medium-peaks and are glossy.

Add your dry ingredients slowly to the meringue taking about six additions all in all.Pipe the batter to a diameter of an inch. And let rest for 30 minutes before baking.Bake for about 11 minutes or until done, turning the sheets halfway through.

(In her recipe she calls for cream of tartar, I missed that and did not use it.)

WHITE CHOCOLATE CRANBERRY GANACHE (adapted from rasberry ganache at Tartelette's site)

8 oz white chocolate
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup cranberry puree

To make cranberry puree: Boil cranberry's until soft. Run through the blender and pour through sieve afterward.
In a heavy bottom saucepan, heat the cream to boiling, remove from heat and stir in the white chocolate. Whisk until completly combined, add the cranberry puree. Refrigerate until ready to fill the macarons.


  1. I just spent the weekend participating in Relay for Life and I was moved multiple times by how many survivors were there. Cancer has struck so many, but I have faith that there is a cure out there to be found. My thoughts are with your friend.

  2. Breast cancer is spreading extremely fast. The ages are getting younger and younger of people who are gettin g diagnosed. There testing even teens now to look for any signs. Its terrible...

    Thank all that there are so many people out there who are trying to help. I hope things go well with your find.

    By the way, I really love these macaroons. The pink color is so cute and I love the idea of white chocolate cranberry. Yum.

  3. What a nice idea to do for your friend. They turned out so nuce.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother in law. I really hope your friend will get well and will win the fight. The macarons are cute and I hope she'll like them.

  5. Lori: sorry to hear about your friend. There is an incredible team of doctors in Dobbs Ferry, NY who are doing very exciting reconstruction work. PLEASE have your friend check them out before her mastectomy in a few days.

    Also, The Breast Reconstruction Book by Kathy Steligo.

    Personal experience!

  6. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure these fabulous macs will help your friend in the fight against breast cancer.

  7. It saddens me to hear people being struck with diseases and more and more we hear of them happening at early ages. Mastectomy is awful. I wish your friend strength and a positive outlook to get through what's ahead and a good strong support system to be there for her.

  8. Hi Lori,
    Sorry to hear baout your friend. I am sure the macarons will brigten up her day.

  9. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift for your friend. My thoughts are with her - and with you.

  10. What a thoughtful thing to do for your friend. Good luck to her and stay strong.


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