
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Fluted Polenta and Ricotta Cake with Figs

It's Tuesday again with Dorie Greenspan. This week is a recipe that I probably would not have tried due to the ingredient list but low and behold it was an amazing cake that I thoroughly enjoyed. And would make again.

I divided my cake between a tartelette pan that I got in the mail the day before I made this. How's that for good timing? I also used a little spring form pan that I had.

The house was filled with an amazing aroma from the lemon zest as it was baking. I could hardly wait to try it. After it was done I could hardly resist one of the tartelettes. Oh my I loved it. It is sensational. I love the fact that it has nutritive value. This way I can rationalize it much easier. Okay so a Zumba class afterward was definitely called for.

Here is the recipe and I highly recommend it. I do not recommend the five inch springform. It browned too quickly and the center was not cooked. It was too thick, filled too much.

Now go and check out all the other blogs from Tuesday with Dorie.

Fluted Polenta and Ricotta Cake

About 16 moist, plump dried Mission or Kadota figs, stemmed

1 c. medium-grain polenta or yellow cornmeal

½ c. all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 c. ricotta

1/3 c. tepid water

¾ c. sugar

¾ c. honey (if you’re a real honey lover, use a full-flavored honey such as chestnut, pine, or buckwheat)

Grated zest of 1 lemon

2 large eggs

Getting Ready: Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Butter a 10 ½-inch fluted tart pan with a removable bottom and put it on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicone mat.

Check that the figs are, indeed, moist and plump. If they are the least bit hard, toss them into a small pan of boiling water and steep for a minute, then drain and pat dry. If the figs are large (bigger than a bite), snip them in half.

Whisk the polenta, flour, baking powder, and salt together.

Working with a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the ricotta and water together on low speed until very smooth. With the mixer at medium speed, add the sugar, honey, and lemon zest and beat until light. Beat in the melted butter, then add the eggs one at a time, beating until the mixture is smooth. Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the dry ingredients, mixing only until they are fully incorporated. You’ll have a sleek, smooth, pourable batter.

Pour about one third of the batter into the pan and scatter over the figs. Pour in the rest of the batter, smooth the top with a rubber spatula, if necessary, and dot the batter evenly with the chilled bits of butter.

Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a thin knife inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. The cake should be honey brown and pulling away just a little from the sides of the panm, and the butter will have left light-colored circles in the top. Transfer the cake to a rack and remove the sides of the pan after about 5 minutes. Cool to warm, or cool completely.


  1. Your cake looks great and glad you liked it!

  2. How do you do.
    I hope to see blog.
    Please link to this site.

  3. So pretty! What a great job! I was surprised by how much I liked this cake, too.

  4. Ohh your little cakes are gorgous! I love them, especially the last photo. Pansies are my favourite flowers and are the perfect adornment! Well done!

  5. How pretty! And very nice timing on those tartlette pans. ;)


  6. So beautiful, it looks delicious! Too bad about the springform pan, it makes the cake look so elegant.

  7. Love the flowers! The springform cake was so cute, what a drag it didn't bake well--at least you had the mini-tarts to enjoy!

  8. the cakes look pretty with the flowers on top!

  9. I also probably wouldn't have ever made this cake if not for TWD! Your presentation is beautiful.

  10. OMG! Your tarts and baby cake are so adorable!
    It was delicious wasn't it?

  11. So pretty! The flowers make it look like the perfect spring time dessert.

  12. Your cakes look very pretty! I'm glad you liked them.

  13. Beautiful cake pictures. Love the whipped cream on top! Great job!
    Clara @ I♥food4thought

  14. Had I seen this title I likely would have passed it by - reading all the rave reviews - now I think I need to cave and try it.

  15. I love the little ones! So pretty!

  16. Very cute tartelets! The cream and flower makes them look so elegant! Great job!

  17. I love the little flowers garnishing your cakes!

  18. These look absolutely gorgeous!!! The prettiest ones I've seen so far!!!

  19. Both of your cakes look beautiful - I especially like the flower on top of the little tarts!

  20. Both of your cakes look amazing!

  21. I really love the picture of the 5inch cake - great job with decorating it!


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