
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Coconut Cake

( I couldnt resist taking some pics in the light this morning, am I addicted to blogging?)

I am back with a bang of sweet coconut yum! To celebrate my Mom's birthday I made a coconut cake for her. My Mother is a fantastic cook. She taught me how to cook and can. She has taught me a lot over the years. I am still learning. I constantly call her up and say, now how did you mkae that or what did you put in that recipe. Besides being a great cook, she is one super smart woman. So she is also my walking encyclopedia. You should hear her watching Jeopardy! She knows 99 percent of the answers. I am simply dumbfounded watching her.

So with out further ado, I bring you coconut cake, my recipe.

Lori's Lipsmacking Goodness Original

2 sticks butter, room temp
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon coconut extract
6 large egg whites
3 cups cake flour
1 cup lite coconut milk
1 cup sweetened coconut for sprinkling on frosted cake.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease and flour two 9 inch rounds.

Cream butter until light and fluffy. Add sugar, baking powder and salt. Beat for about five minutes, mixture should be light and fluffy again. Add egg white one at a time. Make sure they are fully incorporated before adding the next one.

Blend in one cup flour, then a 1/2 cup coconut milk. Repeat. Finally add remaining cup of flour.

Pour into prepared pans. Bake for about 20 to 30 minutes. Cool for five minutes and remove onto wired rack.

adapted from Carol Walter, Great Cakes

3 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 cup milk
1 cup unsalted butter, room temp.
1 cup superfine sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons coconut extract

Starting with a 1/4 cup of milk and 3 tablespoons of flour, whisk together ina heavy bottomed sauce pan. Add the remainder of the milk, whisking constantly to avoid lumps. Turn on heat to medium. Continue to heat until mixture thickens. Once it thickens, remove from heat and whisk until it is very smooth. Cool until tempid.

In a mixing bowl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add extract. Add milk mixture in small amounts, combine thoroughly. Continue to whisk until fluffy.


  1. Lori, that cake looks like a dream, really!! Absolutely love it!!

  2. Now that looks pretty wonderful to me. I think I'd love it in cupcakes too.

  3. Looks delicious! I love coconut!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That was me, wrong blogger id-sorry! it said: I love the whiteness of your cake, it is truly beautiful!

  6. I love coconut cakes and this one looks so delicious!!! I've just found your blog and was very happy to read you're half Polish- I'm a Pole too ;-)

  7. It looks so pretty and with the perfect texture! This is a cake my own mom would love, she loves coconut!

  8. its such a beautiful cake! gorgeous

  9. That is one pretty looking cake! I bet your Mom loved it!

  10. This cake looks just gorgeous - and I especially love the photo taken in the morning sunlight. It looks like a fluffy little cloud.

  11. coconut cake is a favorite of mine, and yours is a vision. i must say that my personal slice would be quite a bit larger...


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