
Monday, December 28, 2009

Feeling Snacky- try a pickled carrot.

I absolutely loved these. I saw a recipe in Everyday Food in Octoboer 2009 and I adapted it to my taste and what I had on hand. I really liked it. I polished off the jar in a couple, three days. Just the right thing when you are feeling snacky.

adapted from this recipe.
Makes about 2 cups.

1/2 cup white-wine vinegar
1/2 cup sugar
1 T kosher salt*
4 or more medium carrots, julienned (until I filled a quart jar)
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
2 sprigs of dill
3 cloves of garlic halved

In a sauce pan combine vinegar, sugar, and salt. Heat to a boil and salt and sugar is disolved. Pour over the carrots in the quart jar. Cool, cover, and refrigerate at least 2 hours but preferably for a couple days.

* the reason you use kosher salt is because it does not contain iodine. Iodine discolors vegetables or fruit in the canning process.


  1. Would also be wonderful for an appetizer tray, along with other pickled foods and veggies. Good color. I THINK about moving away from sweets and cutting back on sugar calories, this would be good to have in the fridge ... I do LUV my snacks! The crunch would be goood..

  2. I should do this with the bags of CSA carrots we have in our fridge. We get over run this time of year

  3. I admire you for your canning! I only canned pickled beets this year. Hoping next year to do some more canning - however my dad did bring me some home canned goodies with my Christmas present this year :o)

  4. mmm...i love pickled anything, and carrots would make for a marvelous snack. healthy shmealthy, too. :)

  5. What a great healthy snack and a welcome alternative to pickles!

  6. I bet these were just wonderful Lori. I love how they sound. Low calorie too , perfect recipe for the New Year!

  7. I love the way you make so many of your own preserves. This way you know exactly what's in it. :)

  8. These look like a great snack to have on hand! Better than reaching into the cookie jar for sure!

    Love the blog, by the way! Great work.

  9. I used to make pickled carrots from leftover dill pickle juice...these are so much better!!


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