
Friday, March 12, 2010

The Family Peep

I am getting ready for Easter a bit early. It's almost a month away but if I don't do what I want to do now the time will simply slip away and poof Easter Sunday will be here!

I'd like you to meet some cute friends of mine; Pepe le Peep, Pip, Repeep and Ping. Repeep was named by my four year old as I had to keep resewing that peep. I'd turn it right side out and there would be a hole. So my daughter cleverly named her, Repeep. I don't think she knew about the Peep part- she was trying to say repeat, I think. (I am aware that only three of the four are here- one of the peeps was a little camera shy.)

These little peeps were sewed from a towel my Mother -in-law gave me when she was clearing out her house. The yellow in the towel was so bright, really it didn't fit our house in any way. I repurposed the towel, or should I say I repeeped the towels. Good gats I am one corny girl.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway if you have not.


  1. awwwwwww.... those are so chweeeet.


  2. :) Very cute and clever!

    Happy Friday my friend!

  3. Oh Lori! These are so cute! Really makes me smile.

  4. They are so so so sweettttttttttttt and cuteeeeeeeeeeeee.....
    wish i could enter the giveaway too.....
    have a fantastic weekend.....

  5. Very cute! One of the big regrets of my life is not to be able to sew!

  6. These are sooooo cute! I'm an absolute beginner as far as sewing is concerned - did you use certain patterns?

  7. Oh my gosh those are cute! I've been making sock bunnies for this year but you've given me a good idea for next.

  8. Now those make me smile! How clever you are!


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