
Monday, May 31, 2010


This is one of those- I am so glad I found this recipe- had it three times already- kind of recipes.  Last summer I can't tell you how many of these corn pancakes we had.  We had them over and over again and the only thing I regretted about them was that the fresh veggie season was ending and they just wouldn't taste the same over the winter. Well, this recipe works great for the winter months- taking carrots or green onions and surrounding them with this amazing batter.  And really, with a nice non stick skillet- you don't need much oil at all.  Just 2 teaspoons per side will do the trick.   I will be trying it with asparagus next, hmmmm can't wait.

Pa Jun

2 cup cold water
2 large eggs
3/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/4 cup rice flour (if you don't have rice flour, regular flour will work too)
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sliced green onions
1 cup mini shrimp

1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon sesame oil

Heat a large skillet and add oil.  Combine flours and salt in a bowl and whisk.  Briskly whisk as you add the cold water.  Add eggs ande whisk to incorporate. Pour into the hot skillet.  Sprinkle the green onions and shrimp all around the pancake.  Let the pancake brown-becoming real crisp.  It helps to slide the pancake onto a plate and flip it from there rather than trying to flip it directly in the pan.

Slice into wedges and serve with sauce on the side.  Delicious!


  1. It does sound delicious and so easy; not forgetting that ii is versatile too!

  2. Very interesting recipe Lori ! I'll have to amke it soon !! Do you know where recipes to rival has gone ?

  3. LOL, three times?

    Honestly looking at them I wasn't so sure but I read over the ingredients and I'm thinking yes, I think so. :)

  4. ohhh like a seafood pancake but no seafood, yes i love these too. when did i have this? i can see why you ate this a lot, they are good.

  5. you can keep your itty-bitty shrimps, but i'll take the rest, and gladly! what a unique creation--definitely worth repeat performances. :)

  6. Ever since I made red lentil pancakes, I've been on a savory pancake kick. These look awesome! Love the scallions stuffed inside.

  7. Sounds healthy and delicious! Definitely a keeper.

  8. Oh, I want to try these using the wild rice flour I have!

  9. Vegetable pancakes! what a tasty way to eat your veggie.

  10. Yum, Lori, this sounds delicious. And perfect for all those garden veggies we'll be getting soon. Thanks for a terrific idea.

  11. nice. i make this a lot, but i usually just use the korean pa jun mix, sort of like bisquick i guess, but korean-style

  12. Lori -- aack! You forgot to tell us to add the eggs! Ended up with a globular mess :(

  13. Oh my God Lynn- I am so sorry.

  14. I'll need to get some rice flour to make this. They sound yummy. :)


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