
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Vegetable Bouillon

Massive gardening over here at my place.  I planted some echinacea, my garden; tomatoes, basil, eggplant, Italian Pole beans, kale, dill, mint (in a pot), jalapenos, moved some hostas out of the blistering sun, and planted gerber daisies in their stead so my lavender can begin to take over the area.  Whawhoo!  I feel so accomplished.  At this very moment it is raining and I couldn't be happier.  My garden needs it.

At my local farmers market I have noticed a definite change in the amount of people going there.  I use to be able to get a parking spot on a Thursday- no problem.  Now I have to get there earlier.  I am glad to see more people buying local produce.  But I hope they are aware that about half the farmers there right now are actually vendors from the local produce warehouses.  Right now it's pretty obvious who the locals are. They are the ones with only what is in season.  At harvest time it's not so easy to tell.

This is a great way to preserve some veggies for soups.  I froze mine in small quantities but you certainly can make it like this recipe or this recipe and keep it in the fridge.  I just couldn't see putting that much salt in when I could use my freezer. 

Vegetable Bouillon Cubes
Mix it up with whatever you have on hand.  The following is what I used.

4 large carrots
5 stalks celery
1 onion
5 garlic cloves
6 big sun dried tomatoes (not in oil)
1 cup parsley
1 tablespoon kosher salt
10 peppercorns

In a food processor place garlic, peppercorns and parsley.  Pulse until minced.  Add the remainder of the ingredients, process until paste forms.  Spoon into small plastic containers or into ice cube trays, freeze and transfer to a freezer safe bag.

How nice to have a quick vegetable broth that doesn't take up a lot of space in your freezer.  Start your water boiling and add your bouillon cube and whatever else your going to use to make your soup. 


  1. this is a really great post, lori! i've never considered making and freezing my own bouillon, but it seems doable and so convenient!

  2. Now this is a great idea, Lori. I had never even thought of doing this.
    I'm on my way to round up some vegetables and give this a try. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  3. My babygirl planted a garden with her papa a month ago and she's been taking care of it all by herself. :)

  4. This is fabulous! What a great idea. I've been using the jarred paste more often than cubes for enhanced flavor, but it can't compare with this.

  5. Lori,
    This is a great idea!


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