
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Banana Almond Muffins

Super muggy here and certainly no day for baking.  I made these last week (the second batch of them).  They were gobbled up in a hurry both times.  I love having something for breakfast that is quick, especially this time of year with school ending.  So much going on and it seems harder and harder to motivate my girls out of bed.

The nice things about these muffins is the higher protein because of the almond flour.  With the toffee crunchies on top it is 250 per muffin.  It is a pretty big muffin and it definitely has some substance to it.

Banana Almond Muffins
adapted from this recipe at Stuff To Eat

1 cup almond flour
1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3 ripe bananas
2 tablespoons flax seed
1 tablespoon vanilla (yup that's a tablespoon)
2 eggs
1/3 cup canola oil
1/2 cup milk (you may of may not need this)
12 generous teaspoons of toffee crunchies (for sprinkling over each muffin)

Preheat oven to 350F. Mix dry ingredients into a large bowl; flour, almond flour, baking powder, salt, flax seeds.  Mash the bananas and put them in a medium bowl.  Add the egg, vanilla and oil to the mashed bananas.  Stir into the dry mixture.  If the batter seems dry add the milk.  If it does not seem dry don't add it.  Spoon mixture into baking cups in a muffin tin; dividing equally among the 12.  Sprinkle a teaspoon of toffee bits over the top of each muffin.  Bake for about 20 minutes.

*I found that my batter was very moist so I omitted the milk.  Maybe my bananas were very large.  It is kind of variable. Next time I will measure the bananas to give you a more accurate measurement.


  1. I have to track down some almond flour. This is the second post today that had it as an ingredient in a recipe I liked.

    Happy Father's DAy to your Hubs!

  2. I love muffins...any kind of muffins...and these are winners and I just happened to have bananas, but not the almond flour!

  3. These do sound healthy and delicious. I love that you added toffee on top.

  4. I still have tons of almond flour on hand, so I'm always happy to get more ideas on how to use it up! Banana muffins sound wonderful, especially with toffee on top.

  5. These do sound lovely for breakfast! I love the toffee topping.

  6. almond flour, eh? i'll bet the nutty flavor that contributes is outstanding, and the toffee bits on top is a great touch. :)

  7. Those do look like a really healthy muffin

  8. Great looking muffins, the almond and banana sounds like a tasty combination.


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