
Monday, June 21, 2010

Mexican Corn Cakes

I know local is best but you know when that Florida corn hit the supermarket at 25 cents an ear, how could I refuse.  I had to get some.  That's it though, I swear I will not buy anymore until I see it at the Farmers Market... pinky swear. 

When I have some left over corn I always make these corn cakes- they are SO good.  Really they are very flavorful, easy, versatile... Can I sing their praises enough?  No.  But you know I had this 1 cup of masa harina left in my pantry and this here corn cake looked pretty good.  While we liked them and I would make it again, I still prefer the amazing recipe from Crescent Dragonwagon, The Cornbread Gospels.

Mex- Italian Corn Cakes
I kinda had to change the title here because I didnt have any Mexican cheese.

adapted from this recipe at Martha Stewart

1 cup masa harina
1 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
2 cups corn
1/2 cup pecorino romano cheese
3/4 to 1 cup warm water

In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients; flours, baking powder, salt and cheese.  Add the corn.  Pour 1/4 cup of water into the mix and stir.  Keep adding water a little at a time until the dough sticks together easily and patties can be formed.

Heat about 1/4 cup of oil in a griddle and fry the cakes, flipping when nicely browned. Salt and serve.

*warning: when I made these cakes and the oil was pretty hot, I found that the corn on the outside of the cake would pop and explode.  Scared me a few times, thankfully I was not int he line of fire.  Think popcorn with no lid.


  1. corn cakes look delicious. i know its so difficult to resist first corns you see of the season!

  2. This is a great southwestern treat. I love corn cakes. I can't blame you for buying corn from FL, the ones in the NE aren't available yet.

  3. These look wonderful. They are a great Southwestern treat and I can't wait to give them a try. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  4. these look so good. about the corn though, i wait and i wait for the local stuff. yesterday was the day -- the corn was still a little smallish at the farmer's market, but it was the bi-color NJ kind, and it was so perfect.

  5. Corn is just so cheap and delicious that I can't help but buy it even if it's not local. This little cakes sound delicious. Love the mexican flava!

  6. I can't wait for local sweet corn so I can make these!

  7. never tried using that corn before. i am a HUGE fan of corn cakes and even more so with corn fritters. corn fritters made with corn relish. now i know you know ALL about corn relish. Nancy's Corn Relish is very popular there in rochester. I eat that corn relish by the jars, can never get enough of the stuff.

  8. LOL, I forgive you! :)

    My kids especially the Twins would love to eat at your house. You make so many different "real" foods. They'd never be bored.

  9. Kids will surely love this. Thanks for sharing.

  10. i'm always disappointed when i'm served corn cakes with no whole kernels. these look pretty good--you're forgiven. :)

  11. These would be a hit with my family.


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