
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Flax Seed and Blueberry Granola Bars

Dehydrated blueberries are pretty pricey at the store.  I figured I'd give them a try.  Some things dehydrate well- apples, pineapple and bananas.  Blueberries, well, lets just say it had its challenges.  In the end it was worth it though.  I tucked most of it away for winter time munching and baking but saved a few to add to these bars.  The bars were sensational. I love the flax taste and the chewiness that the coconut adds.

I went a little wild and slathered some white chocolate on top, yah know, to get the kids to get my one daughter to eat them more.  My husband thought that was a fine idea and gobbled the rest of them up.  Gone!

Flax Seed and Blueberry Granola Bars

4 ounces butter
2 cups old fashioned oats
3/4 cup flax seed meal
1/2 cup coconut, flaked
1/3 cup dark brown sugar
4 tablespoons blueberry honey (you could use whatever honey you like)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup dried blueberries
1 egg white, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 350F.  Line and 8 x 8 baking sheet with parchment paper, extending it ove the sides.  Mix dry ingredients with egg white, set aside.  In a saucepan combine butter, honey and brown sugar.  Bring to a boil.  Remove from heat and add to oat mixture.  Stir in vanilla.

Pour mixture into baking pan and bake for 30 minutes or until golden.  Cool on wire rack. Lift bars when cooled to cutting bars and cut into whatever size pieces you like.


  1. Those must be really good for you, ok maybe not the chocolate topping but the rest.

  2. Glad to know blueberries are a pain to dry. It'll make me feel better about buying them. Your bars sound great.

  3. coconut and blueberries are an awesome pairing, and i love flax--it's good for you without being too intrusive or off-putting!

  4. I love granola bars, and I can vouche for how expensive dried blueberries are! Love that you dried them yourself! I've dried the usuals, like you, even ginger, so I'd love to give this a shot! Plus, you can never go wrong with flax seed! They look awesome, Lori!


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