
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vanilla Pudding with a Side of Random Thoughts

Some cool vanilla pudding goes down real easy in the summer time.  Creamy and delicious and very refreshing.  Simple.  Sprinkle some blueberries or any other fresh fruit that you love and voila- yumminess.

Had to share a few random things with you.

This first photo is my daughter's discovery.  She urged me to share it with all of you.  A pretzel with hummus and a pickle.  I know this kind of thing isnt really new but it was new to her.  I use to get shawarma pitas at a local Lebanese restaurant and there would always be a pickle in there.  A nice sourness filling every bite.  It was superb.

The fact that my daughter was excitedly dippin' in for more beany goodness was certainly very exciting for her Mamma. I had mine with Pita Chips.  Yumminess- I made another batch of those sour pickles just so we could eat the hummus with the pickles.  My other daughter dipped her pickle into the hummus. She was not as impressed as we were. She thought she was pretty funny though dipping her pickle in the dip instead of her pretzel.  This is after all, five year old humor at it's finest.

Then this next photo was a surprise visito that was about 2 inches long.  I was working with some dill I had bought at the Farmers Market and there sitting on the branch was this creature.  Love the colors- so vibrant. 

As pretty as he or she was, I took it outside and snipped off that limb.  No offense Mr. Capatiller (my daughters favorite name for him).

Vanilla Pudding

Recipe adapted from this recipe at Allrecipes

2 1/2 cups milk, divided
Pinch salt
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
2 egg yolks
1/2 vanilla pod scraped
1 tablespoon butter

Place 2 cups milk and salt in a saucepan. Sprinkle sugar on milk and do no stir; heat over medium-high. Combine cornstarch with remaining milk; add egg yolks and mix well, set aside. When milk comes to a full boil, remove saucepan from the heat.  Slowly add about 1/2 cup of hot mixture to the cornstarch and milk mixture. Then stir back into saucepan, whisking as you go.   Return to the heat and cook for 1 minute. Pudding will begin to thicken.  Remove from the heat; stir in vanilla seeds and butter. Pour into individual dishes.  Eat warm or chill.


  1. I've been making an eggless vanilla pudding but I'm going to try this out. :)

  2. Sounds like ideal summer time eats to me. :) Cool, refreshing pudding really is such a great treat this time of year, especially since you don't need to turn on the oven and heat up the kitchen to make it.

  3. That pretzel, hummus & pickle sounds like the perfect midday snack for Matt!

  4. love the pudding, hate the capatiller! those things give me the heebie-jeebies. :)


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